Disjuntor Diferencial Residual - DR - Proteção Elétrica e Dispositivos Modulares (2024)

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44 produtos

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  1. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:100A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-100/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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  2. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:80A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-80/0,1, Linha F200, ABB




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  3. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Bipolar, Curva AC, In:100A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F202AC-100/0,1, Linha F200, ABB




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  4. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Bipolar, Curva AC, In:100A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F202AC-100/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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  5. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:80A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-80/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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  6. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Bipolar, Curva AC, In:80A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F202AC-80/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




  7. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:63A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-63/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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  8. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:63A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-63/0,1, Linha F200, ABB




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  9. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Bipolar, Curva AC, In:63A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F202AC-63/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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  10. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:40A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-40/0,1, Linha F200, ABB




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  11. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:40A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-40/0,3, Linha F200, ABB




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  12. Interruptor Diferencial Residual Tetrapolar, Curva AC, In:25A, Icu:/127V e /230V, Norma ABNT NBR NM 60947-2, F204AC-25/0,03, Linha F200, ABB




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<% } %>

<%= product.base_image %><% } else { %><%= product.image %><% } %>" width="119" height="167">

<%= product.name%>

<%= product.global_product_id_br%>

<% if (product.review_count > 0) { %>


<%= product.rating %>%

<%= product.review_count %>Reviews

<% } %> <% if (typeof product['prices_'+customerGroupId] !== "undefined") { %>

<% product.prices = product['prices_'+customerGroupId]; %> <% if (product.type_id == "configurable") { %> <% if (product.prices.min_price != product.prices.max_price) { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price) %> <% } else { %> <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price) %> <% } %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.type_id == "grouped") { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.min_price) %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.type_id == "bundle") { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.min_price) %>
To: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.max_price) %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.prices.final_price < product.prices.price) { %> <% if (typeof product.special_from_date != "undefined") { tmp = product.special_from_date.split(/[- :]/); product.special_from_date = new Date(tmp[0], tmp[1]-1, tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5]).getTime(); } %> <% if (typeof product.special_to_date != "undefined") { tmp = product.special_to_date.split(/[- :]/); product.special_to_date = new Date(tmp[0], tmp[1]-1, tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5]).getTime(); } %> <% if (((typeof product.special_from_date != "undefined" && product.special_from_date <= Date.now()) && (typeof product.special_to_date != "undefined" && Date.now() <= product.special_to_date)) || (typeof product.special_from_date != "undefined" && typeof product.special_to_date == "undefined" && product.special_from_date <= Date.now()) || (typeof product.special_to_date != "undefined" && typeof product.special_from_date == "undefined" && Date.now() <= product.special_to_date) || (typeof product.special_to_date == "undefined" && typeof product.special_from_date == "undefined")) { %>

<%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.price, product.tax_class_id) %>

<%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price, product.tax_class_id) %>

<% } else { %>



<% } %> <% } else { %>



<% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %>

<% } else { %>

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<% } %> <% if (product.configurable_options) { %>

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<% _.each(product.configurable_options, function(option, attributeCode) { %> <% if (option.visualSwatch) { %>

<% _.each(option.values, function(value) { %>

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<% }) %>

<% } else { %> <% if (option.textSwatch) { %>

<% _.each(option.values, function(value) { %>

attribute-id="<%= option.id %>" option-id="<%= value.id %>"><% if (value.swatch) { %><%= value.swatch %><% } else { %><%= value.label %><% } %>

<% }) %>

<% } %> <% } %> <% }) %>

<% } %>

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APS SOLUÇÕES 21 BahiaTech Materiais Elétricos 1 MULTIDRIVE 2 RH Materiais Elétricos 2 Ribeiro Automacao 4


  • Disjuntor Diferencial Residual - DR44

    Corrente Nominal (A)

    25 8 40 8 63 8 80 8 100 8 125 4

    Mostrar mais Mostrar menos

    Curva de Disparo

    Curva AC 42


    Linha F200 42

    Numero de Polos

    Bipolar 20 Tetrapolar 24


    Linha F200 42

    Procurar por

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    <% } else { %> <% if (key == "rating") { %>

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    <%= product.name%>

    <%= product.global_product_id_br %>

    <% if (displayReviews && product.review_count > 0) { %>


    <%= product.rating %>%

    <%= product.review_count %>Reviews

    <% } %>

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    <% if (typeof product['prices_'+customerGroupId] !== "undefined") { %>

    <% product.prices = product['prices_'+customerGroupId]; %> <% if (product.type_id == "configurable") { %> <% if (product.prices.min_price != product.prices.max_price) { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price) %> <% } else { %> <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price) %> <% } %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.type_id == "grouped") { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.min_price) %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.type_id == "bundle") { %> From: <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.min_price) %>
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    <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.price, product.tax_class_id) %>

    <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.final_price, product.tax_class_id) %>

    <% } else { %> <% if (product.prices.offer_price) { %> <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.offer_price, product.tax_class_id) %> <% } else { %> Fora de Estoque <% } %> <% } %> <% } else { %> <% if (product.prices.offer_price) { %> <%= _.getFormattedPrice(product.prices.offer_price, product.tax_class_id) %> <% } else { %> Fora de Estoque <% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %> <% } %>

    <% } %> <% if (displayConfigurableOptions && product.configurable_options) { %>

    <% _.each(product.configurable_options, function(option, attributeCode) { %> <% if (option.visualSwatch) { %>

    <% _.each(option.values, function(value) { %> <% if (value.swatch.startsWith('/')) { %>

    attribute-id="<%= option.id %>" option-id="<%= value.id %>" style="background: url('/media/attribute/swatch<%= value.swatch %>'); no-repeat center; background-size: 100%;">

    <% } else { %>

    attribute-id="<%= option.id %>" option-id="<%= value.id %>" style="background: <%= value.swatch %> no-repeat center; background-size: initial;">

    <% } %> <% }) %>

    <% } %> <% }) %> <% _.each(product.configurable_options, function(option, attributeCode) { %> <% if (option.textSwatch) { %>

    <% _.each(option.values, function(value) { %>

    attribute-id="<%= option.id %>" option-id="<%= value.id %>"><%= value.swatch %>

    <% }) %>

    <% } %> <% }) %>

    <% } %>

    <% if (displayAddToCart) { %>

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    <%= _.getFormattedPrice(valMin) %> - <%= _.getFormattedPrice(valMax) %> <% if (displayInputBoxesForPriceFilter) { %>

    <% } %>

    <%= _.getFormattedPrice(max) %>

    <%= _.getFormattedPrice(min) %>

    Disjuntor Diferencial Residual - DR  -  Proteção Elétrica e Dispositivos Modulares (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5627

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

    Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

    Birthday: 1999-09-15

    Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

    Phone: +6838967160603

    Job: Mining Executive

    Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

    Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.