Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (2024)


  • When choosing a Cargo Hold in Starfield, it's important to prioritize capacity as all Cargo Holds have equal ratios between Mass and capacity.
  • The Galleon series offers the best Cargo Holds in the game, with the Galleon S202 and S204 having high capacities and relatively low requirements.
  • Shielded Cargo Holds, such as the Caravel V102 and 10ST Hauler, are useful for hiding Contraband items, but players still need to go through security scans.

Since every aspect of Starfield focuses on exploration and interacting with a massive collection of items, it’s crucial to have the capacity to support that. When it comes to the ratio between mass and Cargo capacity, all Cargo Holds (except shielded ones) are pretty much equal, where the capacity is roughly 4.7 times of mass.

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However, there's more than just knowing capacity and mass when it comes to Cargo Holds in Starfield. For example, some Cargo can fit into places that are incompatible with other Cargo Holds. Additionally, some Cargo Holds are shielded and can carry Contraband items that are easily detectable by factions. For that, here’s a list of the best Cargo Holds in Starfield.

9 Polo 2020 Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (1)
  • Cargo: 760
  • Mass: 160
  • Requirements: Rank 2 Starship Design
  • Location: Akila City, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, Hopetown, Neon

Not only do players start finding the Polo 2020 Cargo Hold late after level 28, but it also requires Rank 2 Starship Design Skill and still holds less Cargo than most of the end-game Cargo holds in Starfield. The Polo 2020 is also a rare sight to see in a merchant store since only four Technicians have it in their inventory.

8 Galleon S202 Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (2)
  • Cargo: 950
  • Mass: 200
  • Requirements: Rank 1 Starship Design
  • Location: New Atlantis, Akila City, The Key, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Paradiso, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Staryard, New Homestead, Neon, The Eleos Retreat

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The Galleon series has the best Cargo Holds in Starfield. At level 20, players unlock the Galleon S202 Cargo Hold, which can hold up to 950 Cargo with very low requirements. Players can also build the Galleon S202 Cargo Hold on the sides or on top of structures.

7 Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (3)
  • Shielded Cargo: 240
  • Mass: 72
  • Requirements: Rank 1 Starship Design
  • Location: The Key, Red Mile

Building Shielded Cargo Holds into ships is essential for players who are looking to hide away the shameful act that they committed shamelessly, although they still need to go through scans afterward...

In any case, around level 15, players can build the Caravel V102 Shielded Cargo Hold that can carry up to 240 Cargo. Players should either go through the Crimson Fleet’s Faction quest to unlock The Key, where they can buy Shielded Cargo, or just make a trip to the Red Mile where Shielded Cargo is also sold.

6 30T Hauler Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (4)
  • Cargo: 1000
  • Mass: 212
  • Requirements: Rank 2 Starship Design
  • Location: New Atlantis, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, The Den, Deimos Staryard, New Homestead

Players unlock 30T Hauler Cargo Hold at level 25, and it can hold up to 1,000 Cargo. It’s available in fewer places than the Galleon series and offers less Cargo compared to some of them, despite having the same requirements.

5 40T Hauler Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (5)
  • Cargo: 1270
  • Mass: 268
  • Requirements: Rank 3 Starship Design
  • Location: New Atlantis, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, The Den, Deimos Staryard, New Homestead

Just like the other Hauler series Cargo Holds, the 40T Hauler can hold up to 1270 Cargo and is available at level 32 in some cities like New Atlantis, Cydonia, and New Homestead.

4 Polo 2030 Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (6)
  • Cargo: 1000
  • Mass: 212
  • Requirements: Rank 3 Starship Design
  • Location: Akila City, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, Hopetown, Neon

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Similar to the Polo 2020, players unlock the Polo 2030 Cargo Hold in a very late stage at level 38. Although it carries up to 1,000 Cargo, it doesn't really add any benefit, Cargo-wise. Despite all that, both Polo 2020 and 2030 Cargo Holds are still special since both can be built at the bottom of Structurals and Habs in Starfield.

3 10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (7)
  • Shielded Cargo: 320
  • Mass: 124
  • Requirements: Rank 2 Starship Design
  • Location: The Key, Red Mile

The 10ST Hauler Shielded Cargo Hold can also be found at level 30 within the Key or the Red Mile areas in Starfield. It has the highest number of Shielded Cargo, so by building many, players can create decent storage of hidden stolen and Contraband goods within their ships.

2 Galleon S203 Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (8)
  • Cargo: 1200
  • Mass: 252
  • Requirements: Rank 2 Starship Design
  • Location: New Atlantis, Akila City, The Key, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Paradiso, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Staryard, New Homestead, Neon, The Eleos Retreat

What makes the Galleon Cargo Holds special is their availability in Starfield. Players start seeing them in stores earlier than any other Cargo Holds with the same qualities, and they’re available in every single Service Technician’s inventory. For the Galleon S203 Cargo Hold, players unlock it at level 25, and can also stick at the bottom of structures.

1 Galleon S204 Cargo Hold

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (9)
  • Cargo: 1480
  • Mass: 312
  • Requirements: Rank 3 Starship Design
  • Location: New Atlantis, Akila City, The Key, Stroud-Eklund Staryard, Cydonia, Gagarin Landing, Hopetown, Paradiso, Red Mile, The Den, Deimos Staryard, New Homestead, Neon, The Eleos Retreat

If it weren't for the Galleon S203 and S204 Cargo Holds in Starfield, the Polo 2030 would've topped this tier list with ease. However, both Galleon end-game’s Cargo Holds can be anywhere players want them to be, with a massive amount of Cargo capacity. The Galleon S204 Cargo Hold is available anywhere in Starfield at level 32 and can have up to 1480 Cargo at the price of having Rank 3 Starship Design Skill, which, at this point, is something that anyone who wants to toy with their ship should have.

Starfield is available now on Xbox Series X/S and PC.

MORE: Starfield: Where Hope Is Built Walkthrough

Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them (2024)


Starfield: Best Ship Cargo Hold And How To Get Them? ›

The Galleon series has the best Cargo Holds in Starfield. At level 20, players unlock the Galleon S202 Cargo Hold, which can hold up to 950 Cargo with very low requirements. Players can also build the Galleon S202 Cargo Hold on the sides or on top of structures.

What is the most efficient ship cargo hold in Starfield? ›

Galleon S204 Cargo Hold - This is the Cadillac of cargo holds, with by far the most space per capita of any other available cargo holds. You'll want to slap on 4-5 of these — as many as your engines can carry — to get the most possible cargo space.

What is the best ship for cargo in Starfield? ›

The Best Cargo Ships in Starfield
  • Narwhal.
  • Dragonfire II.
  • Stronghold.
  • Silent Runner.
Oct 18, 2023

What to do if cargo hold is full in Starfield? ›

If you don't have enough space in your ship storage, the solution is to upgrade your Cargo Hold capacity. To do this, speak to a Ship Technician.

Where is the best place to get shielded cargo in Starfield? ›

Red Mile and the Key sell shielded cargo. You can also just go to the wolf system and then to the Den station.

What is the most efficient ship? ›

The Triple-E is the world's largest and most efficient vessel. The vessel reduces emissions and fuel consumption through the combination of its two engines, efficient shape and an advanced waste heat recovery system.

What is the most efficient way to ship cargo? ›

Freight Trains

Trains are the most fuel-efficient method of transporting goods across land.

What is the best storage for ships in Starfield? ›

When choosing a Cargo Hold in Starfield, it's important to prioritize capacity as all Cargo Holds have equal ratios between Mass and capacity. The Galleon series offers the best Cargo Holds in the game, with the Galleon S202 and S204 having high capacities and relatively low requirements.

What is the best all round ship in Starfield? ›

The Narwhal is arguably the best — and certainly one of the most expensive — ship in the entire game. Setting you back more than 400,000 credits, this class C blue beast is incredibly well-rounded and can jump up to 30 LY, so you can go wherever you like.

How to get a good ship in Starfield? ›

One of the best ships you can get in Starfield is called the Razorleaf, and the only way you can get it is by completing a side mission called Mantis. It's a higher-level mission, but it's worth strongarming for the rewards.

How to get unlimited storage in Starfield? ›

There is another unlimited storage chest in the Lodge: the safe in your room. If you've finished “The Old Neighborhood” quest, talk to Noel — she'll show you your room if you ask. The safe is in the corner across from the bed.

How do I increase cargo capacity in Starfield? ›

In order to add more cargo, you'll either need to replace existing modules, or extend your ship with even more sections for cargo. With the Frontier, there's not a lot of room to add more slots, unless you extend the ship by adding another habitat module and building around it.

Do ship parts need to be in cargo hold in Starfield? ›

To repair a ship, you'll need to either have Ship Parts in your inventory or Ship Cargo or you'll need to pay a Ship Services Technician to repair it for you. The latter unfortunately isn't so helpful when you're in the middle of combat.

Does the Razorleaf have shielded cargo Starfield? ›

This quick quest rewards you with one of Starfield's best ships, the Razorleaf, and it comes with Shielded Cargo straight away. Even better, you can get your hands on the Razorleaf rather early on in Starfield's story. We managed to get it almost immediately after visiting the Lodge for the first time.

How effective is Shielded cargo in Starfield? ›

Using half or even less of your Shielded Cargo capacity gives you better odds of passing through. In essence, your odds of successfully concealing contraband increase with the amount of unused shielded space you have in relation to your entire load.

How to hide cargo in Starfield? ›

How to hide and smuggle contraband in Starfield. To hide contraband in Starfield, you need to equip your ship with a shielded cargo hold or a scan jammer, both of which will go a long way to avoid being caught red-handed.

What is the most efficient storage in Starfield? ›

The Galleon series offers the best Cargo Holds in the game, with the Galleon S202 and S204 having high capacities and relatively low requirements. Shielded Cargo Holds, such as the Caravel V102 and 10ST Hauler, are useful for hiding Contraband items, but players still need to go through security scans.

What is the cargo hold perk in Starfield? ›

For those of you treading the lines of being a criminal, you can also find Cargo Holds with the Shielded Cargo capacity on some ships as they are rarely found on sale. Having a Cargo Hold with this perk can help you smuggle contraband across the galaxy.

Where to get 30T hauler cargo hold in Starfield? ›

30T Hauler Cargo Hold can be obtained as follows:
  • Bought from a Ship Technician, Cydonia Spaceport, Mars (Sol System)
  • Bought from a Ship Technician, Gagarin Landing, Gagarin (Alpha Centauri System)
  • Bought from a Ship Technician, New Atlantis Spaceport, New Atlantis, Jemison (Alpha Centauri)
Feb 21, 2024

Are cargo ships the most efficient? ›

EOS also applies to engines - the larger engines of large cargo ships are going to be more efficient than those employed by a set of multiple diesel engines in a train. Uses less fuel - the ship has inherently low friction and has no hills to climb, its flat all the way and there is.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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