The Joe Costello Show: Results Coaching Model with Brian Lovegrove (2024)

Aug 12, 2021

Results Coaching Model with Brian Lovegrove

Brian Lovegrove has been on his journey of personal growth andprofessional development since the age of 17. Inspired by TonyRobbins, he has created not only a catalyst but a unique approachand process to helping others, like you, achieve their goals. Hebelieves in providing & building upon the knowledge most coachesprovide by practicing these lessons and building a HABIT!

Using his "5 Keys of Success" in his coaching, he is a firmbeliever that if these keys are used, failure is all buteliminated.

In this episode, we learn about all the tactics Brian uses andhas honed over the years of being a coach and we did into a few ofthese methods during our conversation.

As always, thanks so much for listening!


Brian Lovegrove

Leadership Developer and Results Coach




Live Masterclass:

5 Keys to Success Podcast:

Unleash Your Fear eBook:


Podcast Music By: Andy Galore,Album: "Outand About", Song:"Chicken & Scotch" 2014

Andy's Links:

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Joe: Hi Brian, welcome to the podcast. I'm looking forward tohaving you on so many things I have to ask you, because you hit acore thing here with training, personal development courses, all ofthese things that I read about. And it's going to be interesting tofind out your answers to these burning questions I asked.

Brian: All right, Joe, I'm looking forward to it. Let's getrocking and rolling here.

Joe: Awesome. OK, so you have to bear with me, because Iliterally do this with every single person on my podcast, is that Ithink it's important for my audience, who I believe is mostlyentrepreneurs, whether they're currently doing their thing or theywant to do their thing or they're struggling, doing their thing orwhatever it might be. I think it's important for them to know theback story of the person that is on, because it's important tounderstand the development of where you came from and how you gotto where you are today. And I think a lot of those things that youtalk about actually people listening, going, oh, yeah, I've beenthere. I did that. I remember that. So I always leave this open tosaying you can go back as far as you want, because if something inelementary school created who you are today, I want the audience toknow about it so you can start wherever you want.

Brian: Well, people ask me how I got introduced to personaldevelopment in the first place, and I actually go back to juniorhigh. My dad was a commercial real estate broker and I grew up inMontana. And any time we would leave town, we would go on a longtrip. And so he would pull out these tapes from work. And this was,of course, back before the iPods. The noise canceling headphones inthat great, wonderful device that many of us grew up with, the SonyWalkman,

Joe: Near

Brian: Whatever

Joe: And dear to my

Brian: He

Joe: Heart.

Brian: Put into that. Yes. Yes. And so I got stuck listening towhatever was in the tape deck. And so I got introduced to guys likeEarl Nightingale, Jim Roan and my favorite Zig Ziglar. Andlistening to those guys, Dennis Wailea, on and on and on and on,they taught me what it was to be an entrepreneur. And I rememberZiggs saying, treat every job as if you were the owner of thebusiness and those HAQQ series that I listened to through juniorhigh and high school shaped me in my choices in college. I actuallygot a degree in professional sales because of a I was originallygoing for a management degree my first year. My sister was twoyears ahead of me and she told me after my freshman year and says,you know what, Brian, you might want to consider changing majorsbecause the people that I know that are graduating with managementdegrees are struggling to find jobs. And I went back and that thatprompted me to ask a really good deep question at all. I don'tknow, 18. I asked myself, what career, what major, what level ofinformation do I need to get while you're at college that wouldregardless of what happens to the industry, because I knew, youknow, it's going to be out here in the marketplace for over 50years. What degree do I need to go get that will? Regardless ofwhat's going to happen, the ups and downs of the industry, whetherwe end up in another recession, we end up in another depression,that I would always have an opportunity to have a job if I wantedone.

Brian: And that always brought me back to the sales aspect thatZig always mentioned, because, again, he did a lot of his salesaround the Depression area and that that aspect of life where it'slike how do you survive? How do you keep going in those areas? Andit's really the salespeople that make the world go round. And sothat's what led me to a sales degree. The other decision that Imade when I was 17 was I got introduced to a guy named Tony Robbinsand I bought his first tape series. Imagine a freshman in collegespending probably a month of his earnings on a tape series. And Ibought Tony's unlimited power. I still have the tapes are usedtoday, actually gone and bought a second set because I wore out oneof those tapes so that because I listened to it so much and Ifollowed Tony ever since, I actually helped promote and put on hisseminars for one of his franchises. And along the way, I've alwaysbeen doing personal development, personal growth, and, you know, alot I loved it. I just ate it up. But one of the big challengesthat I ran into, I turned 40.

Brian: It was like, why am I not far enough along? I've beendoing this for 20 years. Why am I just here? Because at the time Iwas struggling to pay the bills. I was struggling to get by. Mywife was working. We had two small kids. And I thought by the timeI turned 40, I would have been much farther along by now. And so inthis process, I realized it wasn't until much later that learningis not enough to make lasting change. I was actively learning. Iwas seeking the puzzle pieces, the pieces of information that wasmissing in my life. And I figured once I learned that then lifewould be easy and I'd be making all this money. But that neverhappened because I never did. The one thing that I learned all theway back in the beginning from XG is you have to do it until youget good enough at it, till it becomes your new normal. And onlythen, once you've applied and implement those strategies in yourlife, will they actually work for you. And you've got to do it longenough to get good enough at it and then continue to stick with itto where you can actually allow the compounding effect to, youknow, you slowly creep and then you kind of turn that corner and itgoes straight up. And it took me 50 years to hit that.

Joe: So I'm going to go back real quick because I want to knowwhat triggered you to buy that Tony Robbins course. You know, Iknow you were listening to this stuff in the car with your fatheron the Walkman or whatever else you were doing it. I mean, a kid at17 doesn't do that. So what triggered it?

Brian: Well, I had read the book, his book had come out and Ihad read the book and I really loved he had such a different styleand he was talking about different things and he was talking aboutthe things in the mind and he was talking about he and thedifferent aspects there. And a lot of that was like, oh, my gosh,this stuff makes so much sense. And I was applying some of thosestrategies and I was seeing specific results. And I was like, andthat's really what made me buy in. In fact, that's probably one ofthe few programs that I really started implementing strategy on.One of the big strategies you talked about was marketing Meeri, andit was one that I specifically used as I got into my initial firstjobs and sales career. But I used on a consistent basis to help meactually get as far as long as I did.

Joe: Ok, I'm still going to ask the question, because I'm notsure if you answered it yet. Why would a 17 year old buy the booklike 17 year olds don't don't get into this stuff. So and I thinkit's important to figure out what triggered it for you.

Brian: Well, again, I think it has to do with that was the nextstep, I the company that was putting those out was NightingaleConant

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: And my dad would get those and I probably was home. Idon't remember where I was when I got it. I might have gone homefor Thanksgiving or Christmas. And I grabbed the magazine I lovelooking at because again, I've been doing this for a number ofyears now. And I was like, what? What's the new stuff they got? Youknow, Wayne Dyer was there and you know, you know who who are who'sthe new people? And there was this new one from this guy named TonyRobbins. And I don't know, I guess it just resonated with me. And Ithink it was seventy five bucks. And it was like and to be honestwith you, I really can't say what prompted me to go. I wantthat.

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: But I think it was more of the sales pitch in thedescription of what it promised me.

Joe: Got it.

Brian: More than anything, that's what I would say it was basedupon the results that were promised, based upon the description ofthe tape series.

Joe: Ok, so you've been around that sort of thing for a longtime, right? And if correct me if I'm wrong at any point, because Iwant to make sure this is super clear to the listeners, is thatfrom what I get of what we're going to go still back, I still haveother stuff to do, but I want to kind of set the stage of yourexpertise or what you believe is, is how you can help people. Asyou said, you can buy all the courses and attend all theconferences and do all of this stuff. You've said it here. You setit on your website. The enthusiasm kind of goes away when life getsin the way. Right. It's basically that simple. You come back fromthe high of of being at a conference or are listening to somethingand then life literally just gets in the way and you don't get thethings done that you promised yourself that you would. So myunderstanding is that you are basically this coach that is going tokeep you on track. Whether life gets in the way or not, you'rebasically going to be this person that is going to bring peoplealong through all of this and keep them accountable to what theypromise themselves that they would do and make sure that they doall of the things that are needed without shelving anything becauselife got in the way. Is that fair?

Brian: Right, it is because, again, you know, Tony is great ifyou've ever been to one of his big events, you P.W. he he can talknine thousand people into walking across twelve hundred degreerecalls in a day.

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: By the end of day one, he's got you walking across Coles.But again, how do you can't maintain that energy and thatexcitement and the momentum of that event for weeks, months, yearsto get to where you want to go? And Tony has admitted that this isan area that he struggles with, is how do I get people to keepgoing?

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: Which is one of the reasons why he has his coachingprogram that you can go and pay tens of thousands of dollars to geta coach for a year, and it's one of the reasons why he actuallycreated the pyramids, Madonna's training group, to train peoplelike me to be coaches that help people implement his strategies.And that's really what it comes down to, is how do you take thestrategies that, you know, you need to be doing and implement them?One of the biggest challenges in society today is we don't teachpeople discipline for the most part. There's a few places that thathappens. But outside of that, it's not encouraged. In fact, it'salmost especially in today's society, you're not responsible, youknow, being responsible for yourself, being accountable. That goesout the window. And yet that's how you are going to be successful.That's how you're going to get to where you want to go.Unfortunately, society is teaching people to be cheap and to livein mediocrity. That is not how you're going to get to where youwant to go, because I'm assuming that most people here areentrepreneurs.

Joe: Mm

Brian: They're

Joe: Hmm.

Brian: Entrepreneurs for a reason because they are sick andtired of working for somebody else's dreams. And so they want topursue their own dreams or they think they can do it better. And sothey're out there trying to do it on their own. But there's a myththat goes with that is the fact that they have to do it on theirown, they have to try to figure it out all by themselves. And someof my best clients are the people that have gone to school to learnhow to do what they want to do, a chiropractor or a massagetherapist, the tradesperson, they know how to either pound nailsTurner Ranch, adjust somebody's back, but they don't necessarilyknow how to do this thing called run a business. And so there'scertain aspects that come into play because my my ideal market isthat small business owner, entrepreneur and professional who's outthere wanting to make a difference in their world, in theircommunities and their lives to make a bigger impact. But they'restruggling to do that because they're trying to deal with all ofthe distractions and all the stuff that's coming at us. And it'slike, how do I get a hold of that? How do I how do I focus on thosethings that truly matter that are going to move the needle for meand my business? And that's really where I come alongside them.

Brian: And I say that specifically because I can't take thejourney for you, but I'm happy to take the journey with you. Andsee, that's where the big challenge is, is a lot of people feellike they go to the seminar, which is, OK, here's how you go climba mountain. Here's the equipment you're going to need and whathappens to the trainer. They get all loaded up. They load them upand they say, go have fun. And they go walking down the path. Andthe river that they were told was a small creek is now this ragingriver, the bridge that they were supposed to be able to go acrosswas washed out. And it's not like, what the heck am I supposed todo now? They weren't prepared for what they're going to experienceor they didn't get enough information. That's one of the thingsthat I always felt in the training classes and seminars I went to.I always felt like there was a piece of information missing. Andthere's only so much that somebody can teach you. You actually haveto go experience it for yourself in order to develop those nuancesthat are really going to make a difference for you.

Joe: Yeah, and I think that there are very, very, very fewpeople in the world that can and you hit it on the head, thediscipline that they will actually take, what they've learned,whether it's in a chorus, it's at a seminar or whatever, andactually implement it and be accountable to themselves. I thinkthat's a really, really small pool of people. And so

Brian: It is.

Joe: Because the Olympics just happened, if we even made ananalogy of like you went to class to become a gymnast and you saidin a week long seminar to learn all of the different moves andtricks and flips and things, and then you just don't go and show upand start doing that. You have a coach that's watching you

Brian: Right.

Joe: And and helping you understand all of those things and themechanics of it. So to me, that's what you're that's really whereyou help, is that you are there to, like I said earlier, to to toto push them, keep them on track, assist them with when they

Brian: The.

Joe: Hit roadblocks. You're by their side throughout the wholeprocess. Right.

Brian: Right, and I think so many times we have thismisunderstanding because we've been taught that learning is goingand sitting in class. And that's not necessarily true, butunfortunately, the self development industry has taken this modelof let's bring them in, sit them down, overwhelm them withinformation, make them feel like they're drinking from a firehoseso they feel like we've given them a tremendous amount of value andthen send them on their way. And so the more people we can packinto that room, the better we make more money that way. Yeah, weactually end up doing a disservice to the customer, to the client,because at the end there is no support. And so how do you make suresomebody has what they need in order to actually achieve theresults they want? And that is challenging along the way. And we'vecreated several ways for people to do that because, again, moneygets in the way. I mean, if you have enough money, you can findsomebody that's going to come alongside and help you get to whereyou want to go.

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: But we actually started one hundred bucks a month. We'vegot programs where you can get that at least some help along theway to get you to where you want to go. And we grow from there. Butit comes down to this process of how do we get you to take theactions you know you need to take? How do we get you to moveforward consistently? And it's just like the example you used isgreat. The one that I love to use is the example of going to getinto shape. You don't go to the gym for three days straight and bedone. That doesn't cut

Joe: It's.

Brian: It. You know, usually you go once for a few hours andyou're like, oh my God, you wake

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: Up the next day and you can't move. And so it's like, whywould you expect you to be able to do that in the other areas ofyour life?

Joe: Yeah, I go to the gym five days a week and I still am like,why don't I look better? So you're really in a great position to dothis, because how many years did you spend in that whole seminarcourse kind of world? And I know you're still involved in some ofit, but you helped run

Brian: Well,

Joe: Some

Brian: I

Joe: Of these.

Brian: Yeah, I help promote

Joe: Yep.

Brian: To put them on the grand scheme of things, I didn't dothat a lot. I was probably with them for maybe about a year beforethe franchise partnership broke up and therefore the franchisecollapsed. But it was a great opportunity and I learned a lot goingthrough that process. Back in starting in 2003, I joinedToastmasters and worked myself up over the number of years tobecome a semi-professional speaker when I wrote my first book andgot kind of started in that. But I never really got traction andgot that off the ground in this process. One of the things thathappened was I shifted from Toastmasters into a leadership role innonprofit organizations, specifically to the Boy Scouts. But one ofthe things I saw was because, again, I was focusing on the teachingaspect because I love watching that light bulb go off. But what Ididn't realize was because I didn't see it in my life at themoment, at the time yet was that, again, teaching them was good.But coaching them is better because, again, it's about growth andit's part of my all the exercises and things I've done. I mean, Ihave done it easily. Quarter of a million dollars on personaldevelopment. I have bookcases and bookcases of books and tapeseries that are, you know, this is the pretty self I have, youknow, boxes on wooden shelves and storage units full of books andstuff that I've consumed. And it's actually one of my coachingpartners mentioned to me and from one of the coaching programs Iwas in, he says she said, Brian, you have a vault of ideas andstrategies to help somebody to move forward.

Brian: And so when they need it, you can provide it for them.And so really, it's about getting people to move. It's not abouttrying to teach you something new. It's about how can I get you tomove forward and understanding how to motivate somebody to move.And he talks about the pleasure and pain principles. We move awayfrom pain a lot easier than we do towards pleasure. But many timeswe only use pleasure as the incentive for us to do something. And alot of times I'm working with some basic activities with somebody.One of the things that you can see it here in the video, if you'rewatching it, is my incredible results, 928 Challenge Journal, whichis basically spending about 20 minutes each evening documentingwhat happened today, well, as planning tomorrow. And the firstchallenge that people come up with is doing it every day. So far,nobody has done ninety one days straight. There's a few that havecome close. But on average, it takes people a good month to getinto the habit of consistently writing in their journal. And so,again, it's about understanding what it takes to get people to movein the direction they have said they want to go and using those twobuttons and pushing them at the right point to get things to tohappen. And again, once we start getting that ball rolling and westart developing momentum, that's when it gets fun.

Joe: So we are in the age of so many, like self education, knowso many programs and classes and courses and all of this stuff onthe Internet, right. You can find it everywhere. So and you mighteven admit to this yourself, because based on what you just saidabout having a shelf full of tapes and all of this stuff, whatwould you say to the there are people out there that areprofessional seminar attendees right there, their professionalcourse. So,

Brian: We call them seminar junkies.

Joe: Ok, so

Brian: Yeah,

Joe: We

Brian: I've been there.

Joe: Ok, so this is good because you're coming from theunderstanding that

Brian: Oh, yeah.

Joe: One more seminar, a one more class or one more course isnot going to make the difference. It's that you have to startimplementing what you've already learned and actually admit toyourself that you haven't done the work or this is the work youneed to do and actually come up with a plan. Right. It's just likewe hear it a million times. It's just so hard for people tounderstand, myself included. I'm not I'm not preaching from asoapbox here that, you know, you have to have a roadmap. Right.Because if you wanted to get hop in your car today and drivesomewhere, you need to know where you're going. Right. You wouldget lost.

Brian: Yes.

Joe: It's no different

Brian: Yes.

Joe: With our life. Right. So what would you say to those peoplethat are listening to that do continue to just think that that nextbreakthrough is around the corner by buying yet another course aregoing to some sort of seminar or conference?

Brian: Put down the Kool-Aid because you have drunk theKool-Aid,

Joe: Right.

Brian: What they're actually doing is they're pursuing thefeeling, the positive feelings they get when they go to theseminar. They're enjoying that high and over time that wears offand they want to change the way they feel. They get frustrated andthey go, oh, I want to feel better. Their subconscious then says,OK, well, how do we make ourselves feel? How we do that? Let's goto another seminar. I talk about this in the master class. That is,we get stuck on this learning loop and we go and we learn someinformation. We get all excited and we go try it and we fail. Andusually when we fail once or twice, we quit. It gets hard. It getsuncomfortable. And we don't like to stay there. We don't like wedon't we want to don't want to go through that process of learninghow to do it and do it long enough to get good enough at it that weactually get to the other side of. OK, I got this. You know, it'slike learning to ride a bike. You're going to fall and the only wayto get better is to have somebody let go in and you fall down. Yougot to go through that process. You've got to learn to you have tomake the mistakes. You have to, quote, fail, because, again, itdepends on how you define the word failure, because at the end ofthe day, we get to choose what things mean. My definition offailure is different than most people's. My definition of failureis you only fail when you quit or give up.

Joe: Hmm, agreed.

Brian: Or you don't even try.

Joe: Yeah, so it's almost better that if someone had that itch,they should stop for a moment and say, OK, let's do this, let'sjust try something completely different that we've never donebefore. Let's actually hire a coach and spend the same amount ofmoney that we would have spent on a course. But we have a coachwith us by our side for however many months or a year or whatever,however long that is. That same amount of money could be spread outto have someone keep you accountable and help you to come up with aplan and stay on track and implement all the ideas. Right.

Brian: Absolutely.

Joe: It would be worth a try for anybody who's one of these. Youcould Digicom junkies to seminar junkies.

Brian: Yeah, the seminar junkies,

Joe: Yeah,

Brian: Yes.

Joe: Right. So it would be a change?

Brian: What's

Joe: Of course

Brian: The

Joe: It would

Brian: Right

Joe: Be.

Brian: If what's your outcome? What do you want? Why are yougoing to that seminar? And there were several times where peoplesaid, well, what are you what do you expect from this? What do youwant to learn from this? And people are sitting there throwing outanswers. And I would be sitting in the background going, I reallydon't know. I don't I don't have an answer for that.

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: And that was kind of the clue is like, wait a minute, whyam I here? Because I want to learn. That's not good enough. I wantyou to know I started getting specifics is I want to learn how todo such and such and such, and I want to be able to, you know, besuccessful at doing that. And, you know, whether that was realestate investing or personal development becoming a coach, a lot ofthose things was, OK, how do you do it? Because, again, we'relearning about doing and we learn through doing much morepowerfully. There's a difference between head understanding and gutlevel understanding. And so, first off, a coach, if you haven't hada coach before. I'll share a good story with you, because this ishow I got introduced to coaching was I actually bought the up sellof a seminar program that actually included six monthly coachingsessions with one of the coaches that's kind of designed to helpyou do it. And my experience was I actually got more done in thosesix months than I had in the previous five years. I did more stuff.I made more progress. And as I went back and analyzed the evendeeper, I did more the week before that phone call that I had theprevious three weeks combined because I knew I was going to have toget on the phone with him. And again, we're leveraging fear andthat pain to our advantage. That's one of the reasons why I wrotemy last book on Leisure Fear. One of the strategies that I teach ishow to make your friend and how you make sure your friend, as youturn fear around, it's pulling you forward instead of holding youback.

Brian: And one of the ways that we do that, as we make it morepainful to stay where you are than where you want to go and havingto get on the phone call with me or on the Zoom call with me. Andwe sit in there and says, OK, Joe, you said last week you weregoing to accomplish these three things. How how far did you get onnumber one, how far did you get on number two? How far did you geton number three? Now, I don't beat you up if you don't get themdone. What I'm doing is I'm wanting to get under neath it andunderstand the root cause of what's holding you back, because whenI when we're able to do that, you see hole that was fear ofcriticism. That's what prevented me from making those sales calls.I needed to make up for the fear of rejection or whatever it was.And we talk about that. And then we because again, we get to choosewhat things mean. And so what does it mean to make a cold call?Most people hate cold calls. What if you could turn things aroundto where you loved cold calls? Because, again, you get to choosewhat things mean. You can love cold calls. And so, again, it'sbasically going in there and playing in the mind and shifting awaythe what the beliefs are, because that's what it comes down to it.That's what our life is all about, is how we feel and what webelieve. And when we understand that we do everything in life tochange the way we feel. It's really interesting on where things gofrom there.

Joe: Yeah, and I think either I think I read something from yourwebsite, I believe, but something you said, I think that's where itwas, but it was something about the moment we actually tell theworld what it is that we want to do. We're accountable for it.Right then we everyone that that was in earshot of that or reads itsomewhere on our website that we're now responsible to do it. Andthat's why so many people don't actually put that out there,because then they're like, oh, crap, I actually have to do thatnow. I said it.

Brian: Right,

Joe: I told

Brian: Yeah.

Joe: Everyone I was going to do this.

Brian: But you're right, it comes down to we are afraid to putourselves out there

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: Because we're afraid of being criticized now, we do havedifferent types of people in our lives. We have people that I referto as Krabs, and they're usually in your left hand. For thosepeople who haven't heard the story, I'm sure you have. Is it if youput a crab in a five gallon bucket without a lid on it, it'll crawlout right

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: Easily. But if you put two crabs into that five gallonbucket without a lid, they won't crawl out. The more actually, themore crabs that are in there, the less likelihood that the crab isgoing to get away, because as that crab, they're programming mentalinstinct programming that we have within us is that to stay part ofthe group to follow the herd.

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: And if somebody is trying to climb out, they're goingaway. And so the rest of the group will pull them back down. And ifhe continues to do that time and time again, they will actuallykill him.

Joe: Oh, I didn't know that part of the story.

Brian: Yes, well, the same thing is true with other people inour lives. We have people that are on the same level that we are orbelow us and we're wanting to grow. Now, that doesn't mean thatthey have negative intentions. They're actually doing it for apositive reason because, one, they don't want you to leave them,but they also don't want to see you get hurt. This is where ourfamily comes in. Parents say, oh, you just sit still, Johnny,because you're not ready for that yet, or they don't want you to gopursue this thing that they perceive as scary, risky, and you'relikely to get hurt. And so they're going to try to talk you out ofgoing in, pursuing your great dream. But then there's other peoplethat, again, they're just going to knock you down, they're going topull you down. And if you've ever listened to Lester Brown, hetalks about that and his family, he'd show up for Thanksgiving. Andhis brother goes, Hey, Les, how's that seminar speaking gig going?And it was almost I'm getting there. I'm getting there. I'm gettingthere. But we also have people that want to support us and help us.And so it's who are you going to listen to and who are you going tospend time with? And so but it's also important to be in that groupof people.

Brian: Your support people are in your right hand, your crabsare in your left hand. It's important to know who the person you'reacross the table with and who you're talking with on the phone. Isthis person a crab or is this a supporter and then interact withthem appropriately? Because if you're talking with a crab, you stayin the shallow end. You don't talk about your dreams. You talkabout the weather, you talk about sports, you talk about whateverthat is dull and boring at the time and not really enlightening tous, but allows us to maintain the relationship because there'stimes in our life when, yes, we can eliminate some of those crabsbecause other times they're related to us and we can't get rid ofthem. And so what do you do? So in part of it is, one, you reducethe amount of time, and then two, you understand who you're havingthe conversation with and understand they're coming to you with apositive intent. They're trying to keep you safe. They're trying tothey want you to be happy and they want you to stay well and theydon't want you to get hurt. But the same thing is true with oursubconscious, which is why our biggest enemy is right up here

Joe: Yep.

Brian: Is the robot that runs the show 80 to 90 percent of thetime. And that's where I spend a lot of time, is helping peoplereprogram the robot, their subconscious, because unfortunately, itwas a program with a lot of crappy code and trying to reprogram itis not as easy as copy, delete and then copy and paste. It's notthat easy. It's like the biggest, ugliest ball of spaghetti you'veever seen and trying to figure out where that thing goes. And it'sa mess. It's just a mess in there. And but we do have the abilityto go in there and change it. And the more we actively pursue thatand focus on that and pursue growth, the faster we can get to wherewe want to go.

Joe: So we're going to talk about the services you offer, butyou touched upon something that in a previous episode that I hadput out, I got a lot of comments about it. And so I want to talkabout it as it relates to you personally. And then we can talkabout how you use it with your clients. But you spoke aboutjournaling. And the more and more I hear, either I have guest on orI hear people talk about it, the more and more I feel like it'salmost got the same benefits as when people talk about meditating,how you can quiet the mind. It was all this fufu stuff many yearsago and now it's becoming more the norm. Right? It's something thatyou need that quiet time. So tell me more about what you thinkjournaling does for people and the importance of journaling

Brian: Ok, well,

Joe: And

Brian: Actually.

Joe: Whether or not you actually do it nightly or daily or I'dbe

Brian: Yes,

Joe: Interested to know.

Brian: Yes, the the if you can see it there, it says, a lifeworth living as a life worth recording. And so, Tony, he's inspiredme to consistently journal. I have journals from my first in fact,in my latest move, I was going through a lot of them. And I cameacross the journal that I had right after college. And I wasactually really interested to go back and see the progress of myfirst sales job that I bombed out. I lasted like three months. Myexperience was the story I was telling myself was different thanthe story that I was reading. And so, one, it's a great way todocument your journey in life. But the way that I teach people tojournal No. One is it leverages the power of evaluated experiencebecause you stop and think about it. You probably have heard thatexperience is the best teacher. Yes and no, because unless we learnthe lessons from that experience, then it was pointless. If we keeprepeating the same mistakes over and over again, we keep doing thesame thing and expect different results. We're not learning. We'renot growing. And so journaling is a great way for you to documentyour journey, but also to stop and evaluate what happened today.What did I get done? Because many times we get to the end of theweek, we get to the end of the month. Man, I feel like I didn't getanything done. And you can go back to the daily journal process andgo, oh, yeah, well, I did that and I did that and I did that and Idid that.

Brian: But it also allows you to say, OK, what am I actuallygetting done? And is what I'm getting done, moving me in thedirection I want to go? Because, again, we've talked about thejourney that we're on. We have a goal we want to achieve. And inorder to get there, we like you said, we have to have a plan. Manypeople don't put together the plan. In fact, many go studyprograms. And I listen to rarely was there any planning processinvolved. And so I actually stepped somebody through this. Exactly.And the incredible results on what they challenge is Ugo's. We setour big yearly goal and we break that down into what are we goingto accomplish in the next ninety one days and then we break thatdown. This is OK. What's going to be month one? What's going to bemonth two? What's going to be month three? And then we break thatdown. OK, what's going to be week one of month one. What's going tobe in week two. Week three, week four. Because again, the only wayto get to complete the ninety one day journey is to each day makeforward progress. And how do you make sure you're making forwardprogress if you never look at the map and compare your results,what you're getting to see if you're moving in the rightdirection.

Brian: It's like a airplane taking off from New York to L.A.without a GPS system, without a method for them to course. Correct.You know, there's a reason why there's a compass in the airplane.There's a reason why there's a GPS in there that's consistentlyevery moment checking in and saying, am I on track? Am I on trackand making those little minor adjustments along the way? Because ifyou actually look at a slight wiggle from L.A. to New York, becausethere's turbulence up there, there's wind currents up there, lotsof different things depending on which way you're flying. Are youflying with the jet stream or against the jet stream? All of thesethings are impacting that flight. The same thing is true in ourlife. How do we make sure we are on target? And journalese is oneof the ways to do that. But we also encourage people. The way thatthe journal is set up is to do that evaluation experience where youdocument what you got done, you documents your lessons along theway, and you also document the changes that you want to make, theadjustments that are going to make tomorrow a better day. How can Ibe better tomorrow? And then you plan tomorrow. One of the biggestchallenges we have is making sure we get the right stuff done. Howdo you make sure you make time to get those important but noturgent activities into your schedule? Because if you do notintentionally plan them and schedule them into your calendar,rarely, very rarely are they going to actually happen, which meansyou're never going to really make the progress you want to make,because stop and think about it, your goals require a lot of timeand energy doing those things that are important but not urgent,which is another reason why having the accountability is a bigfactor in that.

Brian: It's like, OK, it's it's not urgent, but oh, my coach isgoing to be asking about it. What do we just do? We created theneeded urgency. Give you a perfect example. I had one of myclients. She wanted to raise her rates and so she'd been talkingabout it for months. And so we were working on the programming inher head so that she felt like she was worthy of that priceincrease, putting it off and putting it off. And this is OK, putand says, OK, what's the plan? And so we specifically detailed walkthrough the plan. OK, I need to put a sign up on the door and Ineed to send out a notification of my. People and I got an emailand, you know, here's an opportunity for people to come in and signup for a plan where they can lock in the current pricing. And Isays, OK, when I come see you next week, I want to see the sign onthe door. When you think you put the sign on the door right afterthat call,

Joe: Ten minutes

Brian: 15

Joe: Before

Brian: Minutes

Joe: You showed

Brian: Before

Joe: Up.

Brian: I 15 minutes before I walked in the door. Exactly. And itwouldn't have happened if I had not pushed her to make thatcommitment. As a mom, what are we going to do? Are we just going tokeep going down this road? Because that's one of things that we do,is we look at it, says, OK, what happens if you don't change? Ifyou keep doing the same thing you're doing today over and overagain, you're going to get the same results. Are you happy withthat? Are you satisfied with it? If you're not, then what are yougoing to do differently tomorrow? That's going to change. Thetrajectory that you're going internally is a big piece of that isto help make sure that you are documenting your journey and you'reevaluating the experiences that you're getting and making sure thatthey're taking you in the direction you want to go and if it's notmaking those adjustments along the way.

Joe: Is the majority of the time it happens is at night, justbefore you go to bed sort of thing.

Brian: One of the things that we designed the system to be veryflexible. There's actually a place for people to write in theirschedule and there's no numbers on it because I've got clients.It's wake up at five o'clock in the morning and then there's guyslike me who don't start their day until seven, but I'm usually uptill midnight. So, again, it just comes down to fitting it intoyour system. And that's actually one of the things we do within thegroup coaching calls is we're saying, how do I take this systemthat Brian has created and apply it to my life? How does this fitinto my life? And we teach people how to do that. And I've got oneclient who does restoration work. So he's very much like afirefighter. The phone rings and it's like the alarm bell goingoff. He's got to go fix somebody's problem. So how does he schedulehis day? And so we came up with a system on how to use the systembecause what happens if the alarm doesn't go off? What are yougoing to do? So we had a plan, a system and a Plan B system

Joe: Mm

Brian: For

Joe: Hmm.

Brian: It. We recommend the Evening Times for a couple ofreasons. Number one, when you're planning tomorrow, you don't haveto remember it. Actually, you get a better night's sleep.

Joe: I get it off your brain.

Brian: Right, and so your brain, is it trying to remember allthe things you've got to do tomorrow? We also encourage now I havesome people completed at their end of their workday. So at fourthirty, when they go home at 5:00, I've got one woman who does itat three thirty before she go pick up her kid at school at 4:00 andshe's basically document what did I get done? And she's alsothere's still some things potentially that she's going to dobecause we incorporate not just your business, but your life in thejournal. And so it's like, OK, what am I going to be doing for all16 hours? And I'm awake and relax and let go because so many timeswe struggle with constantly running. And there's a reason whythere's a pad of paper and a pen on my bedside is because there's alot of times I wake up in this ideas and I got to sit there and Iget to write it down because I will not remember when I wake up inthe morning. And so it just comes down. We try to get the system tofit the person, not the person to fit the system

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: Like so many of them do. But at the end of the day, itcomes down to what works for you. We recommend in the eveningbecause of the benefits there. There are some people that do itfirst thing in the morning. If that's the case, as long as you'redoing the system, great.

Joe: I just hear about it all the time, and I said I was goingto start it after the last episode, that someone who was heavilyinto it, I even publicly said, all right, I got to start doing itand I still haven't done it.

Brian: Well, let's have a conversation about that, Joe, because,again, at the end of the day, it's what is it going to take to getyou to move?

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: And that's actually something that because, again, I'vegot numerous stories that I can tell you about people that becauseone of the one of the most common mistakes that people make whenthey're doing the journal is the fact that they only do it Mondaythrough Friday. They don't do it Saturday, Sunday, because, again,like the woman who does it at the end of the workday, my questionto them is, OK, that's good. But what are you going to do, come onSaturday, Sunday when you're not going to the office? What are yougoing to do then? And so we create a plan on how and then we got toyou got to figure out how to make it work. And so I actuallychallenged several of the people to do it, says, OK, if you don'tin. The other thing is, is not getting the journal done. The nightbefore it was OK. If you don't do the journal the night before, youhave to spend two minutes on a cold shower in the morning. I don'tknow about you, but yes, they talk about cold showers being thisgreat, wonderful thing. But I don't want that in the morning. No,thank you. And so, again, we move away from paying much better thanthe the perceived pleasure. OK, and so it's creating the pain. Soit was like, OK, you don't do the journal, not before you're goingto take a cold shower or I mean, really what I would do is I givethem a choice. I says you can either a take the cold shower or B,you have to text me that says I didn't do my journal last night.Which one do you think people chose? And I said, OK, those are yourtwo choices. You have to choose the greater pain. Which one do youthink they chose as the greater pain?

Joe: I would think having the texture would be more of thepain.

Brian: Yes,

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: Because that is admitting

Joe: Yeah,

Brian: That they failed,

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: Which just goes to show you the level of programming wehave around failure. And so, again, it's using fear and pain tomove you in the direction you want to go.

Joe: All right, a lot to unpack there. So we only have a littlebit of time left and I want to honor your time. So let's do thisfirst. Let's talk about I have for services written down that youoffer. And you might have added one. You might have taken one away.But I have your one on one coaching. I have the ninety one daychallenge. I have the mastermind and then I have your weeklyaccountability coaching. And so can you just briefly give us anexplanation of those. And if I missed one at it and if you're notdoing one of them, take it away.

Brian: Ok, well, as a coach, I need I don't know where you are,so I don't know which service to offer you or which one is theright fit for you,

Joe: Mm hmm.

Brian: You or your listener. And so I really start with what Irefer to as a discovery session where we sit down and talk aboutwhere you are and where you want to go. And then based upon thatconversation, we determine how to best help you. Now, where dopeople usually start? But most people start with the incredibleresults, starting with their challenge, because it is the one skillthat helps people take the action they know they need to be takingthat will help them reach their goals. And they see tremendousimmediate results, positive results and benefits from participatingin the program. And it's one that it's only one hundred and ninetyseven dollars if somebody wanted to participate in it. But you gotto come through me and do that discovery session in order todetermine whether or not that's the good right fit for you. Theother thing that is like rocket boosters on the on any one daychallenge is the weekly accountability coaching calls and theincredible results. And what a challenge. We do a group coachingcall where we are sitting down and we are we're talking how to helpuse the system, how to get the system to work and fit into yourlife, and how to help you consistently take action on it. But wealso help you with your plan on accomplishing your ninety one daygoal. So if your goal is to get 50 new clients, this is OK. Whatare you doing this week that's going to make you more clients? Andwe're talking about those different activities in those differentideas and strategies.

Brian: So the problem is, is there's anywhere from five to 15people on that call, depending on how many people are actually inthe group at one time. And so it comes down to how do you getenough of my time to where we can truly focus on that programmingpiece that we've talked about, which is such a big, ugly mess thatgets in the way all the time. That is where that one on one timecomes in to, where we actually spend 30 minutes specificallytalking. We it's a very specifically designed program, says, OK,here's what I'm going to do. Here's what I got done. Here's what Ilearned. And here's the changes I'm going to make so we can reviewthat in eight to ten minutes pretty quickly. And then we spend thenext twenty minutes digging into what got in the way. What's thechallenge and struggle you're dealing with right now? That's eitherthe bitch that you're in, the roadblock you're facing, or what'sholding you back from moving forward. And that right there istremendously powerful and makes the ninety one day challenge muchmore successful. And people who are participating in both theirresults that they get in and I know they challenge is heads andshoulders above the people that are just in the program byitself.

Joe: Yep, and I have to ask this, because I'm sure if I waslistening to this, it would be driving me nuts the entire time.It's like, why ninety one days? It's not 60, 30, 90, 120.

Brian: It's seven times 13 is 91, seven days for 13 weeks.

Joe: Steamworks got it.

Brian: So because, again, one quarter is three months, which isfour point three weeks, and so it's to get a full 13 weeks isninety one days.

Joe: Perfect. So we covered that and the

Brian: Ok,

Joe: Weekly accountability and then

Brian: Right.

Joe: The one on one coaching is.

Brian: The one on one coaching I refer to I refer to as mygeneral coaching, and that's where somebody is really wanting togrow and make changes. And a lot of times people will start offthere. And again, they're wanting to do a lot of growth andunpacking and deal with the programming issues that are going on.And they're wanting to make some significant changes. Those are onehour sessions and those are usually each week as well where we'redigging in and we're trying to figure out again, we're making someserious shifts in there. And then a lot of times it's like, OK, wegot them straightened out and we got them on a path. We've createdthe plan. We've got the momentum going now and it's starting tomove forward. And a lot of those people will roll into theaccountability coaching so that they have the regular check insthat are getting done what they want to get done, but they don'tneed to necessarily. OK, let's dive in deep in there and startdigging around. Those are wonderful sections. I love doing them,but they take a lot of energy on both myself as well as the personbecause we're going deep. Know, one of the things that you probablyhave learned by now listen to this is I don't like to play in theshallow end. I like to dive deep and I like to go under the covers.And if people aren't, that's the other thing is if you've got to becomfortable in playing in the deep end and there's a lot of timeswhen my role as a coach is not to tell somebody what to do, Ialmost never do that because who's an expert on Joe and Joe'sbusiness, Joe is right. So my role is to ask you the questions thatis going to help you come up with the answers and solutions to theproblems that you're faced with that external perspective and tohelp you come up with the solution that is within yourself and thatthe mastermind is more

Joe: That's

Brian: At the upper

Joe: Ok.

Brian: Level

Joe: Ok.

Brian: And that right now is closed. So people are not availableinto that. And usually what happens is we start people off in the90s when they challenge and there's those people are rolling upinto that mastermind as they complete the 91 day challenge.

Joe: Scott.

Brian: But we start people off with where they are and what theycan afford of what they need to do. And so we have programs thatstart, like I said, at one hundred dollars a month, up to twentyfive to five thousand dollars a month, depending upon which programyou're involved with. And there are other things that I do. I havementioned Tony Robbins, but I have not mentioned John Maxwell, mostcertified coach, trainer and speaker of the John Maxwell team,which means for those people who are not familiar with JohnMaxwell, he's a world renowned leadership expert. And that was oneof the big challenges that I saw was there was a lack of qualityleadership in our world today. And because my target market is thatsmall business owner, entrepreneur and professional, they havenever really had much experience with leadership training. Butagain, I'm not a leadership trainer. I'm a leadership developer.And so we have leadership programs using John's world classmaterial that over a period of 90 days, we teach you the strategiesand you practice them for ninety one days so that you develop thoseskill sets along the way. And so, again, it depends upon where youare and what you need and what tool is necessary to help you fixthe problem that you're up against. Because again, I use StephenCovey, I use Joe Mitali. I will pick from anybody I need to and Iwill claim that everything that I share didn't originate withme.

Brian: I'm standing on the shoulders of the giants that wentbefore me as far as you know, all the way back to the Greeks,Aristotle and and some of those, because they had it first. Theythey mentioned it. And again, everybody since then is really justrepackaging it from there. And if somebody wants to do a DIYversion of it, pick a great book. Napoleon Hill's was probably thethe godfather of personal development or at least modern persondevelopment with they can grow rich. And one of my mentors actuallywent and read the book and studied it over and over and over again.You probably have heard the suggestion that you should go read abook a week or so, go read 50 bucks a year. Right. I challenge you.That's not the right strategy if you're wanting to grow. It's agreat way to learn information. But if you're wanting to makechanges in your life. Yeah, one great book and read it 50 times,study it, do the exercises at the end of the chapter, implement thestrategies. Another great one is Stephen Covey's Seven Habits ofHighly Effective People. That that book still to date. That's onebook I try to read at least once a year. And I'm usually listeningto it because I'm taking advantage of the windshield time that Ihave. And it seems like there's always something more in there.

Brian: That book is so deep and there's so many different levelsthat you can get into it as you grow. There's another level.There's another level. There's another level, which is how I spenda lot of my time. Yes, I have three different coaches and I'mconstantly consuming more and more material. But there are there'sabout ten different books that I try to spend time readingconsistently because they're the road maps, they're thefoundational skills. And it's going to take for me to get to whereI want to go. And it's only through consistently coming back to it.You don't become a master blackbelt by learning how to do the formand doing it perfectly. One time I believe it was Berklee thatsaid, I don't fear the man that knows ten thousand ticks. I fearthe man that is practiced one kick ten thousand times in the storythat got you the story and the rest of the story was the example ofthat was he says will show me. And and basically what it was isbecause that person had practice that kicks so well. It doesn'tmatter if even if you know it's coming, you can't block it, youcan't stop it. He has mastered how to do it regardless of what youdo to counteract that. The only way to not get kicked is to not getinto the fight.

Joe: So. We're over a little bit, we have a few moreminutes.

Brian: Oh, yeah, I'm good.

Joe: Ok, cool. So I want to ask you about because you mentionedsince we're on the subject of books and you mentioned Joe Vitaleand you were you are part of a book called The AbundanceFactor.

Brian: Yep.

Joe: Can you tell me a little bit about that and how that cameabout and.

Brian: Well, I was on the short list as Joe was looking to writehis next compilation book, and I had been following him, been a fanof him, read a number of his books. I still practice one of one ofthe big things that sticks for me from Joe is the story of HopitalPono. If you have not read the book Zero Factor, I highly recommendit. It's a very fascinating book. The mantra that that book teachesis something that actually helps me go to sleep at night because mybrain has a hard time shutting down. And by saying that for phrasemantra helps my it's kind of a signal to my brain to stop thinkingand go from into my head and into my body. And so it's reallyhelpful there. And so I was on the short list of authors that Joeasked to help participate in that book. It's called The AbundanceFactor. I knew the group of people that were pulling together. Andso my chapter is called The Unpleasant Truth, because, again,there's a lot of people out there teaching because we're talkingabout the mindset of abundance, which is something that a lot ofpeople struggle with. But it's hard for people to actually do itand practice it consistently. And that's really what my chapter wasabout. It was about taking the actions that the book is encouragingyou to take. And so that's what my chapter is in that book. Aprilof the year that it came out, we did hit the Amazon bestseller listwith that book at the time. And it's been a great book. And I useit more of a as a calling card and as an introduction to myselfwhen I'm meeting new people.

Joe: And then you mentioned earlier about a book that you wrotethat I did not actually see in my notes. So can you tell me aboutthat? Right. Was

Brian: Ok,

Joe: There.

Brian: I've written three books.

Joe: Ok.

Brian: The first book is called Ready, Set Succeed, which is aself published book. Again, it was another compilation with aseries of different authors. And I've got several boxes of thosestill today that, again, I use them as is handouts. And it's,again, about taking action because again, that's what I saw peoplestruggle with and implementation because again, at the end of theday, it's ready, set, succeed, go. You've got to get moving. And sowe were all writing the chapter based upon that. It was a selfpublished book. The only way that you can get that is to go throughme to get that I'm aware of. And I actually did have a client cometo me through that book for one of the other offers. They got it.They called me up and that chapter resonated with them. And it wasan opportunity for me to help them out. Then we wrote The AbundanceFactor, and then after that we wrote a book called Unleash YourFear. And that book is available right now. You can go to unleashyour fear dot com and get a copy of that. Right now, at this pointin time, it is about a 40 page e-book. You can get a copy wereactually read it to you for in about an hour.

Brian: But that's one of our projects for the rest of this year,is to work on rewriting that book and expanding it to where it'saround a hundred pages and we turn it into a physical book andusing that as a methodology to share that message. Because as we'vegone back and we've we've shared that message, we teach in a verypowerful concept in that book about the relationship that peoplehave with fear, because right now most people have a lousyrelationship with fear. But fear is just a tool that's used by oursubconscious. And our subconscious causes us problems because it'sdesigned not to make us happy. It's not designed to make ussuccessful. It's designed to make us survive. Problem is, when wedo go out there, when we want to grow, when we want to succeed andwe want more, it sees that as not surviving. That's risky. There'spain out there if we pursue those things. So how do we how do wechange that? How do we work on that? That's what I've understoodfrom the people that have read the book, that a lot of peopleenjoyed it and you can actually still get it for free for a littlebit longer.

Brian: We're in the process of getting that changed. You can goto unleash your fear Dotcom and get a copy of that book there. Andonce we get the expanded version, we will still be using that. Youare all along the way. And so in this process, we've got a lot ofgreat tools that are available to you. And we've talked about alot. Joe, you're actually one of the longer podcasts that I've goneon and we've talked about a lot of different things. But one thingwe haven't talked about is one of the foundations that I used formy coaching, which I refer to as the Five Keys of Success. Andthat's actually a podcast that I do called the Five Keys of Successpodcast. And you can go out there to wherever you get your podcastsand Google five Keys successor Brian Lovegrove, and you'll be ableto find it. And I talk about those five keys, because at the end ofthe day, because, again, I've been doing personal development fordecades now. And so I boiled down all of that stuff to what is thetrue fundamental foundational skills and tools you need. And I cameup with those five keys. You want to know what those five keys

Joe: I

Brian: Are?

Joe: Do, I have actually you were not going to get off thispodcast without talking about it, so I have them here. I still haveother stuff. That's why I like that. Yes. So please, I totally wantto these this is like one of the things that really triggered it.When I wanted to have you on as a guest, I'm like, man, I want toknow what those are.

Brian: Well, the five keys of success, the first key is clarity,and I refer to it as get clear because without clarity, you'relost, you're wandering around in a fog. If you don't have adestination, you're never going to be able to get there. And if youdon't know where you are, how do you know how you're going to gofrom where you are to where you want to go? And we talked about theplan. If you are not clear on the plan on how to achieve your goal,you're not going to get there now. But there's some also challengeswith that piece because, again, a lot of people may not necessarilyknow how to get to that point, but do you know how to get started?Because that's the key. Do you know what the next step is? How manypeople get bogged down with steps? Nine hundred and eighty seventhrough steps. Twelve hundred and eighty four. Well, what steps doyou want? I'm on step five. What step six. I don't know. Focus onstep six, seven, eight, nine. OK, focus on what's in front of youand these other steps you will figure out by the time you get tothat point. The second key is commitment because without commitmentwe cave in to the fear. We don't have the motivation, the energyand the power to keep going when things get. And the analogy that Ilove to use is the story about Cortez. When he landed in The NewWorld, he burned his boats. His men woke up the next morning andthey went in. He addresses many gentlemen. There is no way homethat we do not create for ourselves. And so his small band took onand conquered much larger nations and groups of people in SouthAmerica because they were committed to making it happen because itwas either do or die.

Joe: I'm a big fan of burning the boats, by the way.

Brian: Absolutely, that's one of the podcasts that we did, is,OK, how do you burn the boats?

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: And we kind of walk through that exercise and that's thatcan be a whole coaching process. My story around that was I used toweigh two hundred and sixty pounds and I went on a diet and I lostthirty five pounds in the first month and a half. It was a radicaldiet. And one of the things that I did on the back deck in the firepit is I burn my fat jeans and I actually have a picture of you.It's it's at night. You can all you can really see the flames. Youcan barely make out the jeans as part of the picture. But I vividlyremember that process. And I promised myself I would never buy thatsize pair of clothes ever again. Now, have I been able to keep offall the weight that I lost? No. But when my pants get tight, thatoption is not there.

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: It's like, OK, we got to do something, we got to turnthis around because we are not buying a bigger sized pair of pants.And so, again, that's where that burning the boats actually comesin, which leads us to step three, which is get crankin or get busytaking action. Money talks about taking massive action. And, youknow, how many times have I you know, I've tried everything.Really? How many times have you tried? What have you tried? Ahundred things. No, to you tried 20 things. No. What have youtried? I've tried these two things over and over again, and theydidn't work. You haven't tried everything. But again, what's thestory that we're telling ourself? But when we're consistentlytaking action again, this is where step four comes in is which isaccountability. Get accountability. You need to help you take theaction you know, you need to take because unless you've gotsomebody that's helping you move forward, holding you accountableand there are good accountability and there's great accountabilityand there is lousy accountability. And I've I've been involved withnumerous accountability partnerships where I've been part of agroup. We've gone to a seminar and we're going to set upaccountability partnerships. Well, that's OK if the other person isas committed as you are or more committed than you are, because,again, at the end of the day, the problem is, is you're both goingthrough the same things.

Brian: You don't one can't help the other really take the actionthey know they need to take. They can't help you look under thehood and identify what's holding you back because they're they'remaking the same mistakes. You are they're making the same excuses.You are. And if they hold you accountable for your excuses, theycan't continue to accept their own excuses. And so they're willingto allow you to get away with what you're getting away with becausethey want to get away with what they want to get away with theother people. That's hard to hold you accountable is friends andfamily because they are more invested in the relationship than theyare in your success, which is why we have the accountabilitycoaching program that we do is because we set it up to where it'salmost impossible to fail. The only way to fail is to not show upbecause again, I'm not going to beat you up when you don't do whatyou said you were going to do. We're going to identify what got inthe way. And we dive deep and we get in there and we work on it'slike going in there and fixing the car for that race driver.

Brian: You know, it's like you and make him the little sh*ts, alittle change and it's a lot of time. There's just little tweaksand we make a little tweak here and a little tweak there. And thenall of a sudden the car just goes. And so that's where theaccountability piece comes. And number five is get correct or selfmastery. There's a lot of stinking thinking going on up here thatwe've learned, which is a good throwback Tuesday that that was hisline. I loved it. And we once we start correcting that and we startcorrecting the program and allowing that to move us in thedirection we want to go, it's like taking the foot off the breakand pounding the pedal to the metal, because until you get yourfoot off the brake, you can have you can have the gas pedal pressedto the floor. But if you've got that brake slam down just as hard,you're not going anywhere except wasting a lot of time and energy.And those are the five keys. And after decades of doing this,that's what it boils down to. Success is those five keys.

Joe: You know, it makes a lot of sense. It's literally what wetalked about the whole episode, but looking at them individuallylike that, it's easy to digest. Those are all the things that haveto happen in order for the entire thing to work. So I

Brian: Right.

Joe: Appreciate you going through that.

Brian: And it's one giant block, and you have to have all fivekeys turn exactly right and adjusted just right in order for thatlock to open, that's going to lead you to the success that's on theother side of that door.

Joe: That's a great way to say that's perfect. All right. Did wemiss anything? Is I all my notes are checked off.

Brian: Well, there's a lot more. In fact, so many times when Igo on a podcast and I cover lots of different things here andthere, and I might only touch on one aspect of it because we onlydo 20 minutes on fear. I put together a master class and I willrefer to it has become unstoppable because it's designed to sharewith you the components of the system and what it takes in orderfor you to truly become unstoppable in your life. Because at theend of the day, my goal as a coach is to help everyone becomeunstoppable and live what I refer to as an incredible life, notjust in one area of your life, but every area of your life, becauseat the end of the day, it's not necessarily about how much moneyyou make. It's about the relationships and the impact you have inmany times because we're focused in one area. Oh, you know, we'reentrepreneurs are head down, focus on growing the business andwe're sacrificing something along the way. We may be sacrificingthe relationship at home. We may be sacrificing the relationshipwith our kids. We may be sacrificing the relationship with theirbody and not taking care of ourselves.

Brian: And each one of those is going to blow up on us. They'relike a time bomb. If we don't address them and we don't work onthem, they're going to blow up on us in some way, shape or form.And that's an ugly process. And one of the reasons why we coach thewhole person is because we have to be able to be able to work inevery area and an incredible life. That's where you're living atage nine and tens on a level of satisfaction sale on a daily basis.And you wake up every morning. Are you going? I can't believe thisis my life. It is so great. It's so wonderful. I'm so thrilled. I'mso excited. How do you get to that point and how do you do thatconsistently through implementing and mastering these five keys andwhat is going to be a level ten for Joe? It's not going to be alevel ten for Brian or a level ten for the listener. So each personhas a different idea of what Level Ten is. And I don't tell youwhat Level Ten is, but I will help you achieve your level ten. Letme give one last thing. I

Joe: Yeah,

Brian: Talked about the master class. If

Joe: Mm

Brian: Your

Joe: Hmm.

Brian: Audience wants to go get that access to that master classfor free, they can text the word results, the seven seven nine foureight, or there will be a link in the show notes that I'll give toJoe, but you can go to become unstoppable dot info and you'll beable to register for that class. We do it live about once a monthcurrently, but if you don't want to wait, you can actually get thereplay of the last class we did. These are ninety minutes to twohours long because we know that on the front end, because this isgoing to be a commitment of your time to say to this process, it'spure learning. There's no sales pitch on the end. There's onlyopportunity for you to schedule that free discovery session with mewhere we can sit and talk about how to help you get to where youwant to go.

Joe: Awesome, and it happens live also. Besides theprerecording,

Brian: Yes,

Joe: That's cool.

Brian: Yeah, because, again, at the end of the day, there'speople that want to ask questions

Joe: Yeah, sure.

Brian: And the interaction of that NCM also playing into thatseminar junkie to who loves that live feeling and the excitementand energy that comes from a live event that you don't get from arecording. But to be able to ask the questions and share yourcomments and each class and each event, even though I go to thesame seminars, in the same workshops on a regular basis, they endup differently because the people in the group are different.

Joe: Yeah.

Brian: And we consistently got in our leadership academy, weconsistently pretty much the same block of strategies, but we getmuch different events and different classes because of the factthat the people in them are so different and they make a bigdifference in the quality of the event. And how you show up makes abig difference. And so my challenge to your audience take advantageof the free tools that I have available for you. That, Joe, is Joeand his audience and his other guests have made available to you.But identify what you need to do, because at the end of the day,you can't feel good. And hopefully I've inspired you and made youfeel good. But at the end of the day, it comes down to what you getdone, identify what you need to get done. And if you need help withthat, let's talk.

Joe: Awesome. What's the best way for people to reach out toyou?

Brian: We've got a lot of great resources available at BryanLovegrove coaching Dotcom, if you don't want to wait. You can go tovisit with Brian Dotcom and schedule that free discovery session.And that's pretty much the easiest way to get onto my calendar,because I do I specifically set aside time each week for those, andthat allows people to sit down and have that conversation with mebecause, yeah, we've spent over an hour here talking. You've gottento know me. Your audience has gotten to know me. But for somepeople, that's not enough. They they want to know, like and trustthe person they're going to sit down with. And they also have tobelieve that they're going to be able to get to where they want togo. And so I can only do that and offer you the right thing. If wesit down and have that conversation and it's not about me, it'sabout you

Joe: The.

Brian: And where you are and where you want to go. And thenpotentially how I can help you get there faster, easier with a lotless wasted time and effort.

Joe: Love it, man. I appreciate your time, this has beengreat

Brian: Thanks, Joe, appreciate

Joe: And.

Brian: The opportunity to be here and share with theaudience.

Joe: Thanks again, Brian. Appreciate it, and we'll stay in touchand we'll have you back another time.

Brian: Absolutely, look

Joe: Thanks

Brian: Forward to

Joe: Again.

Brian: It. Take care. I hope you enjoyed this episode, and Iwant to thank you for listening to my podcast. I know you have manyoptions to listen to various podcasts, and I'm honored that youchose to listen to me. I would love it if you were to rate mypodcast Five Stars and write a nice review. It really helps tobring up the rankings of the podcast. Other listeners, once again,thank you so much for listening to the Joe Costello show. Iappreciate you very much.

The Joe Costello Show: Results Coaching Model with Brian Lovegrove (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.