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Looks Red, Tastes Blue (a.i)

Pairing: Vampire! Ashton Irwin x Fem! Reader

Summary: Winds change, and people can’t be trusted. An origin story and a new beginning. Based on Looks Red, Tastes Blue by Mayday Parade.

Warnings: Angst. Blood. Violence. Characters deaths. Mentions of wounds. Mentions of bible and god. Murders. Torture. Suicide. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)

Word count: 7.2k

Author’s note: Spooky season! This might become a series, but focus on the *might* Please don’t forget to reblog, like and comment! SUPPORT YOUR AUTHORS ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋✨🌻

My masterlist // taglist in bio!


The dark clouds roared with thunder, the rain will be here soon. This type of weather was not unusual, especially during this time of year when the sun goes to sleep and forgets to wake up for at least another three months. The waves crashed down on the coast, he could see them all perfectly from where he was standing. The dark, sharp rocks at the end of the cliff where his mansion stood showed no mercy as the agitated waves came looking for shelter from the storm.

Inside, the mansion was cold. The dark wooden floors and brick walls let the humidity find its home within the darkness. Not a sound could be heard except for the distant crackling of the firewood in the chimney, illuminating the drawing room and the solitary figure that stood there.

Baron Ashton Irwin, at the young age of 28 was already growing a couple of gray hairs due to the stress. His hands were clasped at his back; his suit, immaculate; and his long hair fell perfectly against his shoulders. He was the image of elegance and chivalry. Yet, his mind was the one giving him trouble.

Now, he stood in front of the window, carefully watching the clouds crash against each other and counting the seconds from the lightning to the thunder. He was never fond of storms, hating them since he was a child, still hiding behind his mother’s embrace. But now the expectancy of rain was his only comfort. Maybe that will calm them down.

“One… two… three… four…” Then a vigorous crash came down and filled his ears.

He breathed in deeply, his fingers finding comfort on the soft threads of his suit. He was looking up, for looking down might reveal his greatest fears. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. None of this was supposed to ever happen.

When he thought about moving to the country house that belonged to his family for generations, he never expected this type of welcome. He never expected for rumors to spread around like wildfire; hearing people talking about how he got his title and his fortune, as if his father was not a renowned royal all his life, and his father before him and - But that didn’t matter. No, not at least for the townsfolk who saw him as a threat.

Ashton has heard everything already. How he murdered his family to make a pact with the devil, selling his soul in exchange for power; or, how he bathed in the blood of virgins to keep his youth; or how he was the seed of Satan himself, trying to gain dominion by enchanting the innocent and then devour their blood and heart. And, of course, none of that was true.

He blamed it on the newfound obsession with purity and witchcraft. How men wanted to present themselves as the voice of God among men, condemning all the different souls that longed for more than bible tales and blind obedience to something they could not see nor hear. They prided themselves on their following, blind and ignorant, as they sentenced and killed everything in their way in the name of a higher power. Believing their own sins might be forgiven… but they know they never will.

His back stiffened when a warm, soft touch rounded his waist. But he immediately relaxed when he felt her cheek pressed against his back.

“It’s late,” She whispered, standing on her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck. Ashton couldn’t help but smile as his hands rested over hers.

“I know,” He said with a sigh “But I can’t find it in myself to rest, not now at least”

“You’re worried they’ll come?”

Ashton could feel the hidden fear in her words, hugging him tightly and making the bump in her belly remind him what was at stake.

“Rumors only grow, my love, but are futile most of the time. This, however, feels different. For some reason, the wind won’t let me sleep, and the storm is as restless as myself. A bad omen is creeping up my back and I can’t shake it off”

“What can I do to help?”

With a soft smile, Ashton turned around to face his wife. It took him a few seconds to breathe her in, as she took a step back to give him space.

Her soft face and kind eyes brought nothing but comfort to the man with a heavy heart. Her hair fell perfectly on her face, reminding him how much he liked it that way instead of the updos the ladies now wore. Her white nightgown made it seem like she was floating, ethereal as it fitted her tummy perfectly, proudly showing they were expecting soon.

It was almost magical how the simple sight of her made all of his worries disappear. It has been like that since they met; when they were young, foolish, and free to do whatever they dreamt of. He fell for her the moment he saw her, and bowed in front of the angels to always protect her and do her right.

Now he can only hope he’ll be able to keep that promise, no matter the cost.

Ashton took a step forward, cradling his wife’s belly with a warm, soft touch.

“You are doing more than enough, my love,” He said, smiling when he felt their baby kick “You and this little манчкин are all I need”

He leaned over to kiss her forehead, a smile playing on her lips.

“I can still see that you’re worried”

Ashton sighed, knowing he couldn’t escape his wife’s knowing eyes.

“It’s this town,” He finally admitted “They don’t like us. They don’t like me” His eyes drifted back to the window “Coming here was a mistake, I just know it. But it’s too late now, or I’m afraid it might be”

Maybe things would’ve been different if he accepted the invitation of going to the church the first Sunday they settled. Maybe it would’ve been different if he let the women of the town visit his wife, but the first months of the pregnancy were hard for her as she lay in bed almost all day, crying in pain for him not to leave her side. Maybe it would’ve been different if his attitude toward the town’s rumors was more assertive instead of playing it off as something that would wear off any day now.

Now the weight of his heart burned with guilt. His fingers barely brushed the back of her head as she hugged him, letting her heart beat along with his as her soft breathing got mixed with the fire cracking in the chimney.

For a second he got lost in the fire, letting the red invade the hazel of his eyes as he held her close in his arms.

“We should move,” He said, not meeting her eyes “Let’s leave this place, and start over”

“You can’t start over when you already lived your life,” She said, mumbling the words against his chest. Her words were accompanied by a yawn - the pregnancy always made her sleepy, so it made Ashton giggle softly as he kissed her head “Besides, where would we even go? Your father left you this house, Ash. We have no business anywhere else”

“We can make the world our business if we want to, my love” He pulled away and cupped her face “It’s just- I got a bad feeling about this place. We can always come back to the city, find a place near the fields… Maybe find another coast so our children can know the sea”

She smiled, softly “You know I would follow you till the end of the world, Ashton. And if this is what you want, then I’ll go with you. I trust you” She grabbed one of his hands and placed her on her belly “We trust you”

Ashton couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh as he looked at her in the eyes. Never once did he see a starry night as the one that set upon her gaze, knowing he could look at her galaxy forever and never get tired of it. So he couldn’t help but lean down and capture her lips with his.

And he kissed her. He kissed her with all of his might because he could not believe how lucky he was to be so in love with a woman like that. Or better yet, how a woman like that could love him despite everything that’s been going on.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” He confessed against her lips, pressing his forehead against hers

She kissed him again “You’re a good man. You don’t claim to be perfect, nor to be the one that judges others. You’re a good man, Ashton, with a good heart capable of loving and healing. I-... I couldn’t fall for anyone but you”

He leaned over to kiss her again, to claim her lips as his own when the sound of thunder reverberated through the mansion again. But the sound brought more than the lightning.

“Do you hear that?” Ashton whispered, feeling how his hands turned cold even under her touch.

Then, the faint sound of footsteps and chatter filled the air. Iron crashing against one another mimicking the clouds crashing above. And Ashton knew what it meant.

With confident steps he walked over to the window to confirm his suspicions: They were here.

“Ash…” He heard her call, and he knew he had to act quickly.

Ashton turned to her, acting as calmly as he could, no matter how terrified he actually was. He cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead, a small smile playing on his lips.

“I’ll handle them,” He said, he hoped.


“We’ve got nothing to hide, my love” He assured her and himself “I will be alright”

The sounds came closer “I don’t like this, Ash. Let me go with you”

Ashton shook his head “The last thing I want is for you to get sick in this weather. Go to the baby’s room, and hide for a while. They are just confused and scared, I’ll talk to them and come get you once they’re gone”


“It’s okay,” He kissed her once again, just in time to hear banging at the door “I love you,”

She sighed, “I love you, too” She started to walk away from the room before she turned back “I’ll wait for you, okay?”

“I’ll find you, don’t worry”

With one last reassuring smile, he watched her walk away. Yet that smile faded the moment she was out of sight and the storm grew louder. Ashton took a deep breath and armed himself with courage before making his way to the entrance, passing through various halls with paintings and portraits on the wall till he reached the main staircase. He took one last look at their latest family portrait that hung there: Him standing proud as his hand rested upon his wife’s shoulder while she sat in a white dress, one hand on her belly and excitement in her eyes for what was to come.

Ashton could not wait to replace that portrait with a new one of them becoming three. He could not wait to see their child sitting between them, hoping they would look like their mother. But for that dream to happen, he had to solve some things first. And that included the loud pounding at his door.

The first person he saw was Reverend Lockwood, a man in his fifties with a big nose that hung over his face and a belly so full it should be shameful, who wore one of those awful white wigs that were supposed to make him above everyone else. He was - according to himself - the highest authority in town. He managed the church and was a self-named mayor since no one seemed to correct him or contradict him. Everyone in town seemed to follow his every command as if his words were sent from the highest power and he was the holiest man alive - although his two marriages and lord knows how many bastard children would likely say otherwise.

When Ashton first moved in with his wife, he was welcomed by Reverend Lockwood, but after Ashton rejected his invitation, it seemed like Lockwood’s new hobby was to hunt him down. And Ashton would bet his entire inheritance that he was the one spreading the rumors about him and his family just because he was not about to fall on his knees and adore this phony as all the other brainless townsfolk did.

Behind the Reverend, a mob stood proudly. All the men and a few of the women of the town looked at him in fear and anger. They were holding torches and chains, shovels and knives, ropes and bags. From the start, Ashton knew this was not a friendly visit, but for the first time, he allowed himself to see the seriousness of the situation.

Still, as politely as he could, he stood his ground and took a step forward. He was not about to welcome them into his house, let alone to let them think he was going to surrender, even if he had nothing to hide in the first place.

“Reverend Lockwood,” He said solemnly, acknowledging him with a nod and not even looking at the mob “What do I owe the pleasure?”

“A pleasure indeed, sir” Lockwood smirked “But I’m afraid it’ll be more for us than for yourself”

“I see you brought your crowd” Ashton dismissed his comment, finally addressing the others “It’s a shame you didn’t warn me in advance, Reverend, I would’ve prepared you some supper before whatever show you promised”

“Cut the act, Irwin” Lockwood spat “Despite what you might believe or make others believe, we know what you really are”

Ashton blinked twice at him, frowning as he crossed his arms over his chest and asked “And that is?”

“A monster!” Yelled one person in the crowd

“Murderer!” Yelled another


Reverend Lockwood stood there with a smile, Ashton just sighed.

“You are all gravely mistaken!” Ashton talked over the crowd, loud enough for everyone to hear but with no hint of anger in his voice “I am nothing but a man trying to live a happy life with his family. What sins have I committed that makes me different from any of you?” The whispers of the crowd were filled with hatred “Has your Lord taught you nothing with his words? Has the blinded faith you have over a man of flesh and bone prevented you from seeing beyond what you consider fair? Or did the poison of false words already do its job?”

“How dare-“

“No, Reverend, how dare you! Coming into my house to accuse me of such lies, burdening my family and all of these people who you claim to protect. I’ve done nothing but love my life as I seem fair, minding my own business. Something you, Reverend, could very much take as an example”

The way in which Lockwood’s jaw clenched at Ashton’s words gave him some sense of triumph. He knew there was nothing to fear, no crimes were committed nor moral laws were broken. He was a good man, not the monster they claim to know.

Still, it seemed that the trial wasn’t about to be over so soon.

“You deny the charges?” Lockwood asked, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“I deny them,” Ashton answered confidently, looking defiantly at the man in front of him.

“Then,” He asked, a taunting smirk starting at the corner of his lips “What about your wife?”

There was a change in the wind. Strong tides whistled around the silence and tension. The breaking of waves did nothing but simulate Ashton’s own shattering as the question sunk into the pit of his stomach.

His face turned as white as snow, swearing his heart started to beat slower. A fear, a horrifying feeling settled in his guts, in his chest. Rage.

“What about my wife?” Asked Ashton, voice commanding and grave. Never once taking his eyes from the puritan.

“You might deny your sins, Irwin. But you can’t deny hers”

“What sins?!” He shouted, feeling as if his body was nothing but a burning fire, ready to fight “She’s done nothing-!”

“I saw Mrs. Irwin dancing with the devil!” A voice cried from the crowd.

Ashton looked over Lockwood’s shoulders. Opening his mouth to speak but the shouting continued.

“I saw Mrs. Irwin crying tears of blood!”

“Mrs. Irwin made my house burn down, a deal with darkness! I saw it! She’s the devil’s wife!”

“Devil! Devil! Devil!”

The cries of the people were unstoppable, getting louder as they pound inside Ashton’s head. The feeling of drowning in mid-air caught him by surprise as his legs shook when he faced the crowd, looking frantically at them, begging them.

“N-no!” Ashton cried, shaking his head, but his voice died amid all the lies “No! You’re mistaken!”

How did it happen? His wife- his wife who has never left the manor. His wife whose smile could conquer the world and make the bravest man yield before her. His wife who’s the kindest, most beautiful soul he has ever met… Accused of witchcraft.

“Lockwood!” He cried, taking a step closer to the man until they were face to face, knowing how much that man was enjoying seeing him so desperate “You know those are all lies! You’ve known her! She would never-“

“I know what I know, sir” Lockwood answered gravely, but the tint of mockery in his eyes still shone through “And I know that I am a man of god. And if you were to say the same, you would let us make Justice in his name”

“I won’t let you do this!” Ashton told him, jaw tense and eyes filled with hate. The reverend scoffed.

“God doesn’t ask permission”

Ashton looked at him with disgust before grabbing the lapels of Lockwood’s shirt and bringing him closer “You are no god”

The reverend only smiled with sufficiency before he signaled the men of the mob. One, two, three… there were more than twenty by the time they came to the door. Ashton recognized them before three of them attempted to grab him.

He fought against them, throwing punches and kicks to slow them down. But every time he delivered a blow, three more would follow. They grabbed him by the jacket, by the shirt, and by the hair. They knocked down his knees and allowed him to fall to the ground before securing his hands behind his back.

Ashton watched with his face on the ground as ten men broke down the door to his home. Desperate tears escaped his eyes as the screams ripped through his throat.

“NO!” He would cry, trying to get away, but one of the men had his knee upon the small of his back, making it impossible for him to move “NO! LEAVE THEM ALONE!”

It was excruciating to listen to such heartbreaking screams. He called her name, bleeding through every word of warning, hoping she would listen and stay hidden.

“She’s with child! Leave her alone!” He’d beg to anyone who would listen, purposely ignoring the shattering sound coming from inside his home “Take me instead! Take me! Do what you want with me but leave them be!”

The man who was holding him down grabbed Ashton by the hair, pulling it until he was kneeling with his face directed at the reverend.

“There’s nothing you can do, Irwin,” Said Lockwood, looking expectantly at the manor “Just let the Justice make its path”

“This-” Ashton spat, “This is not justice!”

“Maybe not,” He admitted, “But it’s God’s will”


His wide eyes followed the sound, tears flooding his view as a wrenching scream passed his lips.

On top of the manor, in the window by the sea where he was standing mere minutes ago, he could see a white nightgown floating with the stormy breeze. There, his wife was standing at the edge, face red and puffy as the tears marked her cheeks. The wind caused her baby bump to be revealed against the soft fabric, an angelic sight for someone who was deemed to be anything but.

She yelled his name again, looking at him through the crowd. But she seemed tense, almost afraid to even look down. That’s when Ashton noticed the cut on her arm and the crimson blood dripping from her fingertips. Behind her, one of the men that invaded their home was holding her by the hair, tauntingly pulling and pushing just enough so she would believe she’d lose her balance and fall to the breaking of the waves against the rocks.

Ashton called her name, cried out for her, but to no avail. She would not hear him.

“NO!” Ashton trashed and turned, but more men came to hold him in place “Let her go! Take me! TAKE ME! LET HER GO! SHE’S HURT, SOMEONE HELP HER! LET HER GO!”

But the mayhem did not stop. The chants from the crowd grew louder when they noticed her upon the window. The storm gathered its strongest winds as the clouds clashed against one another. But all Ashton could hear besides his own screams was white noise.

He wanted nothing more than to be there with her. To cradle her face and wipe out those tears; kiss her as he promised her time and time again that they’ll get out of there as soon as they can. That their family will be safe.

Oh, how he wished he could go back in time. Wished he’d never left in the first place. Then they would not be trapped inside this nightmare, unable to wake up. He failed them, he failed her. “I’ll handle them,” He said, foolishly thinking he could protect her and their child. Now, as his heart threatens to come out of his body, there’s nothing he can do but beg to deaf ears and empty stares.

“Ashton!” She cried again, but the air in her lungs got stolen as a hand wrapped around her neck.

Her parted lips were all Ashton could focus on, the way in which she gasped for air and her hands found their way to sink her nails into her attacker’s arm, covering him with blood as well.

“NO!” He’d yelled, over and over again to no avail.

The whisper of his name crossed her lips when her eyes finally found him. He called out her name, bleeding through his throat and pain; his eyes never leaving her as he begged her for forgiveness. She looked at him with red, tearful eyes filled with something that could only be described as love. He knew what that look meant. He could not look away. Those were the eyes of the woman he loved, the look that only he would recognize among a thousand. He would not spare a moment away from them.

Even if that moment was taken away from them so abruptly.

Ashton watched the exact moment in which her eyes widened for the last time before they shut close. The last gasp that got trapped between her chest. A lonely tear ran down her cheek. And the amount of blood that sweeps from the horizontal cut across her throat, cleaning her from all of the sins she’s never committed.

Silence. That’s all it was.

Silence as her feet lost all support and slipped through the edge, making it seem as if she was the one taking the leap willingly. He wanted to run, foolishly thinking he could catch her before she hit the ground, hoping he could save her from the current nightmare of an endless void below. Yet, his feet were unable to leave the ground, feeling how his hope was falling with her, lost forever.

But all he could do was watch in slow motion as the white figure soared through the stormy winds one last time. Perfectly framed face covered by her hair, eyes closed and pink, parted lips, flying freely before the sea claimed her as his. Like an angel whose wings got stolen way too soon.

Silence. But not for long.

Legend has it that no cry was ever as broken as his. That the seas mourned with him and stood still for a moment, allowing him to try and take his own heart out of his chest, for that would hurt less than listening to the tragedy that tinted the night.

Thunder and lightning accompanied his lament, harmonizing with the sound of loss and heartbreak no man should ever feel. Like Orpheus who cried for Euridyce and won the sympathy of the gods; this cry would’ve broken their hearts.

Ashton fell forwards, curled in pain as the sobs got lost on the ground and were replaced by the naked anger of a man who just lost everything.

He looked up to see the reverend standing in front of him, the ghost of a smile forming on his lips, thinking he already won. Next thing he knew, everything went black.


The first thing he noticed was that he could not move his legs or arms. Something heavy was hanging from his ankles and he felt his body being carried over. Even when he opened his eyes he noticed the darkness, and when he tried to scream there was only a muffle coming through his ears. He could only guess by the pain in the back of his head, that he was being taken somewhere to die; he was blindfolded and gagged as if he would try to escape the fate he so longly awaited.

All Ashton could think was “Why am I not dead, yet?” He should be dead, it was obvious that the reverend would not let go of him so easily. But the thought that crossed through his mind almost instantly was that he wanted to be dead. He had nothing else to live for anymore.

There was an abrupt halt to every movement. Ashton could hear the sound of footsteps coming closer before he felt two sets of arms grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him to the ground. His knees scrapped the rocky surface, cutting through his skin. But he made no sound, no effort to be noticed.

The cold wind made him shiver, and aware that he was wearing just a thin shirt and raggy pants. The piece of fabric that gagged him cut through the corners of his mouth, making him savor the metallic taste of drying blood. He moved his hands, just enough to notice the burning of the ropes against his skin, and for his feet, he could only guess the same, though it felt heavier. He stayed on his knees for what felt like forever before his head was yanked back with a few strands of his hair, and suddenly he could see the clear skies again.

How long did he stay unconscious? He did not know, but it was enough for the storm to pass and show the full moon’s light. Ashton thought that it couldn’t possibly be enough. It’d never be enough.

Suddenly, the image of Reverend Lockwood appears before him. He was still wearing his wig and formal clothing. The same smug expression was drawn on his face. He needn’t say anything, he knew Ashton already guessed what was happening. Still, the young baron never took his eyes off of him, not once.

The wind grew stronger as the moon took the highest place of the night sky, witnessing as a young man didn’t fight as he was made to walk to the edge of a cliff, the sound of waves crashing below made him think of home.

“I thought it would be fitting,” The reverend said. Ashton didn’t answer.

Instead, Ashton looked at him, and everyone else present in their eyes, memorizing their faces and remembering the names of each and every single one of the people responsible for the death of his soul.

He stood straight, like a King. Never bowed or broke in front of his enemies. No one, not even Lockwood dared say a thing. The winds were changing once again, the minutes till midnight were counted and gone. And Ashton, in the silence of his heart, promised them that they will regret it. Every single one of them will regret it.

And with that, he took a step back. Feeling as the wind hit his back before he closed his eyes. The moon was the last thing he saw before everything turned black once more.


The water was cold as he sank.

The force of the hit made the knot on the gag lose, making the fabric float away as the water snuck inside his lungs. He kept on sinking.

The ties on his hands gave out as well as the ones on his feet. There was no resistance, only poor techniques.

The moonlight made the waters clear. Shinning above him. His hair framed his face as it floated gracefully. It was peaceful. Beautiful. Free

Twas the moon that saw his heart stop. The redness of the blood did not flow or pump. It was cold as the water surrounding him, as the beating slowed down with every moment of calmness that came with the ending of things. Until there was nothing but silence.

But when the blood turns as blue as ice, heart frozen. The cells in his bloodstream started to move backward, turning blue as the sea, craving for something to feed. Feeling like he could not breathe.

Eyes wide open in the middle of the sea.


No one talked about it out loud, but whispers only grow.

They knew what was coming for them. They were expecting it.

People tried to flee before, but he always found them.

It was always a mystery, they said, no one knew how those bodies were always found with such marks across their bodies, drained completely of any blood they might have left. Nobody had the same wounds; some would end up with broken backs; others with their heads turn the other side; people rumor about a man whose throat was cut in half, but there was no trail of blood, just an empty, open wound.

They all had the same marks upon their necks, though. Two small holes under their left ear were theorized to be left after continuous torture, a mark of the devil, perhaps. And not only that, but they all had another thing in common: They were all found in the morning with the most horrifying looks on their faces. Almost as if they’ve seen a ghost from the past that came back to haunt them.

The devil acted quietly and at night. One victim every forenight, no matter the gender. Only a few could be considered safe beside the children. But there was no denying that anyone could be next.

Some say that they saw the devil lurk in the darkness, with blue marks upon his veins on the inside of his arms and eyes glowing hazel in the dark. Others say that they saw him by the sea, sitting alone by the rocks under the abandoned manor. A few claim that they fought him and won, but no one believes them.

Reverend Lockwood always dismiss such rumors, smiling as he tried to reassure the people that nothing was wrong and that it was probably some children’s tale. But everyone in town knew how he locked all the doors and all the windows of his home before the night came.

Lockwood knew what was coming for him, he just didn’t know when. That’s until he learned about John Proctor’s death. There were no other men in town. The devil left him for last.

He was wise enough to send his family away before the night came. He locked all the doors and threw all the keys. He opened up his bible and held the crucifix on his chest, praying for salvation in a candlelight dimmed room.

The night was dark and quiet. The widows and orphans stopped crying about their losses a long time ago, the ones who dared to stay in the haunted town, at least. There were not many left, after all, but there were enough to remember what happened for years and years to come.

Silent prayers were the only sound that could be heard that fateful night. But meaningless words as the ones the reverend recited were of not much help, for a quarter past ten, the wind began to change.

“Our father, who art in-” The sound of a stomp made his skin crawl “H-h-heaven! Hallowed be th-thy name-” Goosebumps aroused at the flickering on the candle “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as-”

“There is no Heaven for people like you, Lockwood”

The voice echoed through the walls. The few patches of hair the reverend still had on his head perked up in fear as the crucifix slid from his fingers and fell to the ground.

“No, n-no, please!” He begged, looking frantically around the dark room.

“You knew I was coming,” The voice continued, making the old reverend’s heart go faster and faster “You should feel honored, actually, to be deemed this important”

“I- I don’t understand!” Lockwood cried “It can’t be! I forbid it! In the name of God”

The voice laughed, suddenly sounding closer.

“Oh, Lockwood, you can’t forbid anything here. After all, god does not ask for permission”

The light of the candle died in a second, suffocated by the sudden lack of oxygen in the room. Then, in the corner, standing very still with a smile plastered on his face, stood the devil himself.

Lockwood, frightened at the image, fell from his chair and into the ground, opening his mouth to speak but without any noise coming out as he dragged himself to the opposite corner of the room.

The same man that he’s seen jump out of the cliff not so long ago was standing in front of him. Clothes as dark as night; his long hair perfectly combed and styled; a silver necklace with two simple bands hanging from his chest; hazel eyes shining like a predator who’s just caught its prey… So beautifully twisted it was impossible to put into words. He hadn’t changed a thing except for his smile, so charming; so frightening; so cruel and deadly.

It was not a normal smile, no, it was the smile of the devil.


In an instant, Ashton was standing in front of the frightened man, grabbing him by the lapels of his shirt and picking him up from the ground with a newfound strength he rather enjoyed.

“I am god,” Ashton smiled “And this is my justice”


When they found Reverend Lockwood’s body the next day, it was rather unusual.

The body still had marks all over it; the cross embedded and burned in the flesh of the dead man’s chest was certainly a novelty, and the face of horror was similar to the ones seen in the previous victims. It was the blood that threw people off.

This time the killer did not drain the victim’s blood as it usually did. For whatever reason, that might be, although people do claim it was because it was tainted, and the killer had some sort of dignity or whatnot. Instead, the blood was smeared all over the wall, spelling the message:

“This is god’s will”



“For the thousandth time, Luke. If you’re going to convince a girl to give you her number, you should not read her f*cking mind first” Ashton sighed over the phone, having had this conversation countless times.

It was another sunny day in L.A. Ashton found he likes it way more than the grey clouds of London where he spent the last portion of the twentieth century - It was the music that drew him in when the Beatles first started, but it can get quite boring after a few decades. He’d just gone on his daily coffee run, catching up with Calum that just moved in closer to him after spreading some mayhem in the southern part of the continent. And now he was trying to convince Luke, once again, that when girls say they like someone who could read their mind, they do not mean it literally.

“It didn’t work out last time, so what makes you think it’ll work this time?”

He passed the bookstore that Michael owns, saying hi to him as he walked passed the window, but not daring to come in while there were customers. He did, though, checked himself out on the reflection. Whoever said that beings like him can not see their reflection or walk under the sun was gravely mistaken.

After two centuries he still didn’t look a day older than twenty-eight. His hair was shorter now and his skin was adorned with tattoos that healed way too quickly and served to hide those blue marks of his veins. The only thing that changed was the lack of beating of his heart but, well, no one needed to know that.

He caught a glimpse of the two dangling rings on his necklace and let a sudden moment of nostalgia run through his mind, as a small, sad smile crossed his lips. After all, not all wounds can be healed with time.

“Yeah, Luke, I gotta go” He sighed, walking away from the man in the reflection “We can talk about it tonight, alright? Just, stay away from her childhood memories. You’ll thank me later”

He hung up the phone just in time for the crosswalk light to turn red, so he waited, not really paying attention to his surroundings when all of the sudden, a door opens across the street.

It was a quick glance. One of those that makes you take a double look. But it was gone the moment Ashton recognized it. He took a step forward, but the loud horn of a Tesla that was about to run him over, made him take a step back and let his coffee cup fall to the ground.

A sudden desperation took over him, cranking his neck up to see beyond the passing cars. He had to make sure it was really-

“No,” He thought “It can’t be-? No, but what if-?”

The light turned green and Ashton started to run. He would push past the people walking in the opposite direction, mumbling apologies as his senses heightened. Which way? Who? What? Where?

He was about to give up when all of the sudden he spotted it: the same shade of hair color, shining under the sun in the middle of sunset boulevard.

For the first time in nearly two hundred years, Ashton shivered. A pit of emptiness filled his stomach as he gathered enough courage to approach and- and do what? Well, it didn’t matter at this point, given that he was already walking toward this person, and before he knew it, his hand was on their shoulder.

“Hey, I-”

It has been a while since Ashton was left completely breathless by someone. But this wasn’t just anyone. The hair, the face, the eyes… oh, those eyes. He would always remember those eyes, that look, how they shined in the darkness. How many nights he spent forcing himself to remember them, even at his lowest he knew those eyes would pull him through anything. And now…

“I found you,” He whispered

“Excuse me?” The girl he’d unconsciously - consciously - stalked looked at him quizzically, ready to take out her pepper spray at any minute.

It took Ashton a second to realize that he was a complete stranger. He immediately took a step back.

“Oh sh*t,” He said, laughing and blushing awkwardly but without being able to take his eyes off of this girl “I’m sorry, I- I thought you were- Thought I recognize you from somewhere”

The girl rolled her eyes “Let me guess, from a dream?” She mocked.

“Uh, do guys actually use that line?”

“I don’t know, you tell me, stranger” She shrugged, ready to walk away again.

“W-wait!” Ashton hated how needy he sounded. But he can’t let this go just yet, not if it really is her “I’m sorry, I’m a dick. I shouldn’t have scared you, I promise I’m not a-” The girl raised an eyebrow at him “You just seem very familiar. May I ask your name? If that’s okay, I don’t want to make you even more uncomfortable”

The girl seemed to relax a bit more, and Ashton smiled at that.

“I’m Y/N, and you’re not a dick” She sighed “I’m just new to the city and you never know who’s a creep and whatnot”

“Y/N…” Ashton repeated, loving the way it rolled off his lips with such ease “I’m Ashton,”

He extended his hand and she took it, shaking it lightly. And for that brief moment, the wind started to change. A new hope settled inside his chest.

Y/N took her hand off first, but the touch still lingered. He knew she felt it, too.

Ashton cleared his throat “So! What brings you to the land of opportunities?”

“The same thing as always, I guess, to find that opportunity and make something out of myself” She smiled “Not more interesting than the next person, I’m afraid”

“Oh, I bet you are quite interesting,” Ashton rushed to say, blushing immediately “I- I mean, I can tell that you’re a very interesting person, Y/N. Not at all like other girls!”

“Wow, you really said that at loud, huh”

Ashton looked embarrassed “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” He sighed “Sorry, I’m just not very good at- well,”


“Yeah, it’s been a while”

“How long?”

He laughed “A lifetime, probably even more”

Y/N squinted her eyes at him, almost as if she was analyzing him. Ashton couldn’t help but smile, his wife used to do the same thing when she knew something was up with him.


“Alright?” He asked, confused.

“We can go for coffee”

“We can?”

“If you want,” She shrugged, but Ashton could tell she was nervous as well. He smiled widely.

“I do!” He said, eagerly “Mine actually fell a few streets down and I couldn’t even taste it”

“A tragedy!” Y/N gasped mockingly, smiling right at him “Then, it’s my treat. And maybe I can give you some pointers on how to flirt with strangers”

Ashton smiled as they started walking side by side “I would love that, actually”

“Okay, first up: Don’t just approach strangers on the street. How do I know you won’t drain my blood or something?”

A nervous laugh escaped his lips, but he covered it up with a cough “So why are you inviting me for coffee then? If you’re not sure I won’t do that”

Y/N shrugged as she looked at him with familiar eyes “I don’t know. You seem…familiar. Maybe we met in another life”

“Yeah,” Ashton smiled, “Maybe”



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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.